Glengarry Glen Ross Appreciation...

If you have a sales job, this movie is awesome. Baldwin is a %#@%%%$ gangster in this...and he's in if for five minutes.

I don't expect you'll get much reply with the crowd on this board.

"2nd prize is a set of stake knives."

"what's your name?"

"*%%$ you...that's my name!"

"you know why mister...? 'cause you drove a hyundai to get here tonight and I drove an eighty thousand dollar BMW to get here...that's myname!"

For those that care...start the second video at 1:20....Best Baldwin acting job in his career thus far.
I thought this was way overrrated. so many people hyped up this movie and that's probably why when I saw it, it fell way below my expectations. Thesalesmanship n the movie is extinct these days too. People dont fall for those phony tricks.
some really great scenes... pretty unknown movie by many my age, i've found.

"#$#$ you, that's my name"

"good father? #$#$ you, go home and play with your kids"

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