God forbid someone actually likes eating an a big-chain restaurant....

It doesn't bother me if someone doesn't like Wes Anderson flicks, listen to The Shins or read Bukowski because I don't expect the average person toenjoy those things. But if all that person does is watch Spielberg movies, listen to Top-40 radio and read The Da Vinci Code without trying to expand theirtastes then I think they are missing out.
YO... i love me some chilis.. but i HATE when dudes be talkin like Outback is a real steakhouse...
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Eh, CheeseCake Factory IS garbage though. Most chain restaurants like it that attempt to bill themselves as centers of good culinary taste ARE indeed crap. I don't go to the mall to eat dinner. Does that mean I'm pretentious? No, it means I have good taste. Why go to the Cheesecake Factory when I can go to a place like Gramercy Tavern, Babbo or Mercer Kitchen in NYC?
So only New Yokers are capable of having a quality meal at a restaurant?
May I also make the arguement for supporting local business? In addition to being some of the worst crap you can eat, corporate chains put your neighbors outof business and more dollars in the hands of fat-cat CEOs who care little for you or your community.
I hope I'm not the only one somewhat confused about the point of this thread
i dont have anything wrong with supporting small businesses but
at some of you thinking small restaurants use only fresh and quality food.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

Eh, CheeseCake Factory IS garbage though. Most chain restaurants like it that attempt to bill themselves as centers of good culinary taste ARE indeed crap. I don't go to the mall to eat dinner. Does that mean I'm pretentious? No, it means I have good taste. Why go to the Cheesecake Factory when I can go to a place like Gramercy Tavern, Babbo or Mercer Kitchen in NYC?
So only New Yokers are capable of having a quality meal at a restaurant?

Yeah that's exactly what I meant. At what point did I imply that? I named those places because that's where I'm from and those are the kinds ofestablishments I frequent. I'm sure they have quality restaurants wherever you're from. It's a matter of being a discriminating consumer.That's my point.
Originally Posted by KingLouisXIV

May I also make the arguement for supporting local business? In addition to being some of the worst crap you can eat, corporate chains put your neighbors out of business and more dollars in the hands of fat-cat CEOs who care little for you or your community.

I was just about to say that.

I do hate it though. Especially with music. Pitchforkmedia can suck my $#$!.
As far as restaurants go, I prefer smaller local spots because the crowd there is a little different and the environments tend to be more personal/intimate.Cheesecake Factory and its sister eateries, and other comparable establishments, are a bit grandiose and attract a crowd that's a bit more superficial - atleast the ones here. I'm not too picky on how food is prepared/served, but I like a pleasant environment.

Music: I'm too busy these days to find the deepest underground stuff, but I can appreciate it. I usually just listen to whatever CDs I have in the car.

Clothing, on the other hand, I'm kind of picky about. More common brands tend to look a bit generic and sometimes I see people wearing certain brands andget this feeling that I don't want to be grouped with them. So I tend to avoid those where possible.
Eh, CheeseCake Factory IS garbage though. Most chain restaurants like it that attempt to bill themselves as centers of good culinary taste ARE indeed crap. I don't go to the mall to eat dinner. Does that mean I'm pretentious? No, it means I have good taste. Why go to the Cheesecake Factory when I can go to a place like Gramercy Tavern, Babbo or Mercer Kitchen in NYC?
I think you are missing the overall point of the post....................
I avoid chain restaurants as well, but I think he's talking about the forced elitism coming from people who use it as a social crutch. They use it as atool for psychological pacification. They feel insecure, lesser-than & turn to this frame of mind for personal & exterior verification. It is see threw& pathetic.
Like the example I posted earlier, it is those type of people in NYC that have the nerve to call Queens, Staten, The Bronx, The Island & Jersey"Bridge & Tunnel" when they just moved to BK from the effing MID WEST 3 years ago!!!!!!!! If you know good food, music, movies............. Cool.I'm talking about this obvious need for verification. If I'm "the bridge & tunnel crowd", then they are the "if you don't rate,just overcompensate crowd".
I'm talking about pseudo-elitism.
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