going out to eat is expensive!!!

i used to do this until i realized i was gaining a little weight. eating at home is actually a lot more cost effective and much more healthier depending on what you purchase. i only find myself eating out (fast food, restaurants, etc.) when i'm out real late and don't feel like cooking at 3am or am on a date.
I eat out almost every day. Only God knows how much I spend. Eating out is so much easier than cooking!
I always hated cooking...I can cook, but I hate that my girlfriend got to enjoy my cooking and since she could burn water I never got anything in return. Basically either I cooked or we went out (which I paid for 70 percent of the time.)

But I started to enjoy cooking again about 18 months ago......I have since bought a house and plan on buying a new car....30 (low estimate for 2 people eating) x 5 (week days) = 150 x 52 (weeks in a year) = $7800 per year eating out(and that is a low estimate with no tip!!!!)
Hardly spend $$ on meals out...buy groceries and cook up...took my family out tonite to a Hibachi Steakhouse cost a whole bunch
Eat out probably 3-4 times a week. 5 at the max. Usually it's if I'm out with some friends and stuff.
I eat out at least 5 days out of the week. But I just love trying to new restaurants. I have been to so many. I'm always looking on Yelp for new places to try.
I try not to eat out that often, but occasionally will take the lady friend to dinner and run anywhere from $40-70.

I try to bring my own lunch to work, usually a variety of little things like nutritional bars, fruit, yogurt, nuts, etc. Breakfast I try to eat home (oatmeal) or skip it if I'm running late.

But for dinner is where I pay one way or another. It kinda doesn't pay to cook for yourself (if you are cooking for one). If I want, say chicken cutlets and a side, between all the ingredients cost and the time/hassle of cooking/cleanup, it's worth it to just buy something from, say, Wendy's for 7 dollars and be done.

Regardless, I don't eat out much, but I still spend like $150 every couple weeks at Costco, and probably another $50+ at the supermarket. Beer/alcohol is another waste of money.
Knowing good & cheap recipes has become a hobby of mine.
I maybe eat out 1-2 times a week and that's jsut b/c I'll already be out or whatever
Yeah i noticed this too, save mad $ when you pack your own lunch. This is a issue with alot of people. I guess impulse buying doesn't stop with food.
I feel you man =\

it definitely adds up and I know it does, but I still can't help it

I really need some discipline. I'm gonna try to cut down gradually
I work for at a company that runs a bunch of cafes and a taqueria so I dont ever pay for lunch. They have mostly sandwiches, burgers, and salads but they also run specials everyday like pastas, pizzas, and soups. Then when there's nothing i like...I just run over to the taqueria. Having a GM/chef who's passionate about food FTW.
I took a girl out to Red Lobster a few months back and the bill came to 65$..I was pretty upset that she didn't finish her girly drink!!
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