Going to college in the upcoming fall. VOL. Dorm Life? (update pg. 5)

Originally Posted by cruzair13

bookmarked for later,
where you going OP?

Adelphi University out in Long Island
Kinda excited now that I thought about it
, thanks for all the replies people, they're all helping me out
Get on the cougar upperclassmen women. They've been run through and through by the dudes in their own class so now they're just trying to prey on any fresh meat. Use it to your advantage.
Clean yor bathrooms man, we waited till the end of the year and it was absolutely horrid. Meet people stay focused and have a good time. It also depends on your room mate as well. Don't ger lazy though and sleep in on lectures
Main thing I wanna tell you is time management fam, its cool to party every once in a while but also get your work done first. Also college life is what you make it so take advantage of all the activities frats, clubs, etc because before you know it you'll be done.
Just graduated from college and the one main thing I learned was Do Not sleep with or date any females that live in your dorm. If things end badly or it was just a one night stand then things can be awkward when you bring another girl over.
Don't be judgemental/keep an open mind...even though someone might not look like the dudes u hung out with in high school they still might be cool to chill with(you don't know them, yet)

Try to be social with the kids on your floor no matter who they are...but don't be an imposing loser that makes it obvious that you have no friends.

Move in day (actually the entire first week) will be the one of the most awkward situations of your life.
Dorms can be the best part of your freshman year if you do it right. Depending on how your floor is set up leave your door open when you're in the room. Everyone else is new to so if you make your self accessible you'll have no problem meeting people. If you have a dorm with suites it will be a lil different just don't keep yourself locked in your room. Sit outside or whatever would be the hang out meet up spot for your dorm. We had 'the patio' and that !@*$ was ALWAYS jumpin. 7 in the morning you could find some folks out there chillin even tho they had an 8 am class. Those folks are no longer here but it was fun while it lasted.
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

heirjordan15 wrote:

Move in day (actually the entire first week) will be the one of the most awkward situations of your life.

How is that? if u could elaborate

Mad freshmen + new environment + unfamiliar faces + silent elevators = awkward
Dont be too flashy. get a 20" inch tv and call it a day.
Dont bring in 22244 kicks. you aint gonna wear them and you'll have a *NBA analyst voice* 7 man rotation anyway

Bring a small frig if possible.
order books online.

Its not complicated. but first few weeks will be a blast
Originally Posted by MetroKid26

heirjordan15 wrote:

Move in day (actually the entire first week) will be the one of the most awkward situations of your life.

How is that? if u could elaborate

Mad freshmen + new environment + unfamiliar faces + silent elevators = awkward
prepare yourself for not only the best 4 years of your life, but the fastest 4 years of your life. college is going to make high school feel like purgatory.
Agreeing with everyone above, dont bring a bunch of shoes with you, space is limited and there's a good chance that you may end up wearing flip-flops most of the time. Also don't try to impress people with your drinking skills. If you can't hold your liquor or don't know your limit take it easy, I've seen way too many freshman end up with alcohol poisoning cause they were trying to impress the upperclassmen. And finally, just relax, every freshman is in the same situation as you and prob. nervous too.
one. dont listen to that list... have fun and live care free. this is your last chance.

my only words of advice, dont be too nice or too mean. if your roommate starts to eat your food or use your stuff, dont let it build up. Living care free, one would think to let it slide, but it will only build.. Show your authoratative state ASAP.

lastly, treat classes like a 8 to 5 or 9 to 5 normal job.. so you may have classes at 8am to 10am then 12pm to 2pm, then 3pm to 4pm.. use those break times wisely. go to the library before and after class.. Time flies by. When classes are finished, you may already be done with homework.. It's way too easy to head back to the dorm rooms and mess around between classes, only to be doing homework at 8 to midnight.. 7 to sleep should not be about homework
Originally Posted by heirjordan15

Originally Posted by MetroKid26

heirjordan15 wrote:

Move in day (actually the entire first week) will be the one of the most awkward situations of your life.

How is that? if u could elaborate

Mad freshmen + new environment + unfamiliar faces + silent elevators = awkward

not true. All you have to do is meet one person and from there you will meeth their people and their people and so on. After a few weeks you'll have your crew for the year. I met my friends at the summer over night orientation. I didn't wanna go but my mom made me. About 5 years later those are still my closest friends here even tho we don't see each other regularly cuz of our schedules. Even the folks that don't go here any more I'm still cool with cuz of that orientation weekend. When school did finally start and we all moved in we lucked out to be in the same two dorms that were connected. I met the folks they knew from home and vice versa and went from there. You will answer the same three questions for that first week. 1. What's your name?2. Where you from? 3. What's your major? Like I said, as ling as you make yourself available and you're half way normal you'll be fine. Everyone else is new too.
Originally Posted by heirjordan15

Originally Posted by MetroKid26

heirjordan15 wrote:

Move in day (actually the entire first week) will be the one of the most awkward situations of your life.

How is that? if u could elaborate

Mad freshmen + new environment + unfamiliar faces + silent elevators = awkward
Bruh you swagless...
real talk ... a good pair of flip flops for the shower, one pair of universal black shoes (i wore all black 10s), one pair of universal white/light colored shoes (i wore NB992s), plenty of plain white ts, a north face jacket and a few hats if you wear them ...

and the most important piece of advice you will ever hear ... GET ALONG WITH EVERYONE ... even if you dont like someone dont ever put them down or talk !%@* about them or participate in bashing them ... you never know if they could be the next VTech wacko or your future boss ... MAKE CONNECTIONS!
-coffee...monster...amped...you will need this if your a hard working student at some point
-don't blow all your meal dollars (campus currency) in the first month
-rooming with people you're already EXTREMELY close with may not be the best.
-get out. especially those first few days. no one knows anyone. introduce yourself and don't be afraid.
-you will go hungry at one point or another (unless you got money to blow like that)
-stock up on ramen noodles and canned foods and have a stash of something to drink.
-NEVER buy books from the bookstore (use chegg.com) or half.com amazon.com
-try to give yourself a day off (from classes) typically a monday or a friday so you'll have a solid 3day weekend.
I miss the dorm life.

Leaving at 11pm-midnight having to walk across the RA's door to head to the car which was like 200 yards away from our residence hall.

Go cruising for hours, being stupid blowed. Stopping at Walmart on the way back to grab about $50 worth of munchie food, then plotting how we're going to carry all of this back to the dorm cause we're parked so far away. Then, when we're in with all the food we have to walk all the way to the second floor, and by the time we're there - we're all out of breathe. Our door was the last one way down the hall way, which was 150+ feet, so carrying all the food and laughing up a storm always made people peep out the door. Both of the RAs on that floor knew we were always blowed, I don't know why we were always trying to hide it, though.


All you really need: bed sheets, nice blanket, memory foam pillow, futon, dvd player (w/ good movies), tv, an extra tv (for the 360), grinder, cig roller, and connects.
Originally Posted by jschue

Your roommate will either make or break your freshmen year dorm experience. Trust me on this.

LISTEN TO THIS MAN. Im just coming off my freshman year and me and my roomate were cool in the beginning having all the live parties in our room until this guy wants to WIFE a JO from one of our parties
..Chick wound up being in my room as much if not more than i was 
But just a couple things off the top i can think of:

- Trust no one with any of your belongings/ things that have meaning to you no matter how 'cool' yall are

-In college people steal..A LOT

-Communicate with your room/suitemates because if one of yall are a dirty guy you all get fined most likely 

-Don't get a girl Freshman yr, its the best time to meet so many new ppl

**Lay down the rules with your room/suite mates and Establish yourself as someone not to f^*$ with EARLY ON, i dont mean coming out of your face to everybody, just letting it be known that joking to a point is cool but if someone crosses a line there will be problems.

***Just as important as the above keep a bottle of Something in the room(of course you must be smooth about where you store it
, but females ALWAYS want to drink, atleast at the school i was at.

thats all for now just my $.02
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