Going To Minneapolis Monday

Yo a new shop called Vs. just opened up in Edina (its in the mpls metro area). You should check it out.
Shim why not just say my shop opened up.

You could also check out Status, Cal Surf, or La Familia.

There is also Friedmans and Roberts.
Could you give me the address for Friedmans and Roberts. Im gonna stop by Vs. and Status for sure. Im just not sure where those other places are.
Roberts is down Hennepin Ave the same street Status is off.
Friedmans is off Broadway I believe... I moved from Minneapolis sorry.
Have a good time if you want some good food ask my guys at Status where to go. Uptown Cafe will stuff you! Famous Daves is good too!
Originally Posted by Fab1122

Roberts is down Hennepin Ave the same street Status is off.
Friedmans is off Broadway I believe... I moved from Minneapolis sorry.

Status is in Calhoun Square off of Hennepin and Lake.
Robert's is on Chicago and Lake.
Friedman's is on 4th and Broadway.

By the way, google is your friend for addresses.
You know how I am Matty. Don't like to self promote but I felt like I should let people know.
cal surf is a pretty legit place to check out...nice area too

edit: nvm drfunk, saw the other post
the dude who opened up the shop in edina, do you work at to soho? i remember a dude there at the aqua release said he was gonna open up a shop at southdalethat carried 10 deep, wesc, crooks and castes, etc.

MPLSdunk wrote:

the dude who opened up the shop in edina, do you work at to soho? i remember a dude there at the aqua release said he was gonna open up a shop at southdale that carried 10 deep, wesc, crooks and castes, etc.

I did work at Soho. Now I'm in Edina doin my thang! We've been open for 3 weeks yesterday. Did the Spzike release here on Black Friday. Next weeksthe Playoffs and the Lasers
. W got a sael going on too. check the midwest forums.peace!
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