Good Books on How to Virtually Fall off the Face of the Planet?

May 4, 2008
Any good books on how to make it look like you were never here? Just curious...
Simply take the battery out of your cellular device, dont log onto sites such as NT and facebook and dont go out very simple process.
Never read any but a quick book search will find you stuff.
Just look at what skip tracers do to find people and not do any of them.
save up

quit your job

don't use phones including texting

cancel your credit cards

any bill with your name on it... cancel those too

take out all your money out of every account that you have including 401k

move away without saying a word to anybody

start a new life on a very low key island without giving out personal info (including your name)

and if you do buy anything... do it with cash.

welcome to the secret society
Take yourself off facebook, myspace, and instant messaging applications...then throw your celly in the water
Originally Posted by kicksgetmehigh

save up

quit your job

don't use phones including texting

cancel your credit cards

any bill with your name on it... cancel those too

take out all your money out of every account that you have including 401k

move away without saying a word to anybody

start a new life on a very low key island without giving out personal info (including your name)

and if you do buy anything... do it with cash.

welcome to the secret society
Words of wisdom?
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