Good read: "Lil Wayne..I feel like dying" TSS


He needs help with this, and someone has to step in.
I think the point is that people around him are trying to step in....but they might just be pushing him further towards the edge

He's not going to stop until he wants to stop...the part where he spoke about Pimp C

U can't "force" anyone to go to rehab tho.....that's really just a waste of time.

Dude has to want to quit, and he doesn't really sound like he does right now
you'd think people would see the bigger picture....and this dude has kids...*%#+!@% clown....

am I the only one who has a hard time reading through his interviews? This lil' N is clearly outta his @!%@@#+ mind....
Man he won't be alive for another few years.

I just have this thought that all these millions of tracks and wreckless drug and drinking is to setup his death, then he'll have that library ofunreleased music and would like to be remembered on some Biggie or Pac tip.

I'm no Wayne fan but for some reason I keep thinking he's planning this.
I just have this thought that all these millions of tracks and wreckless drug and drinking is to setup his death, then he'll have that library ofunreleased music and would like to be remembered on some Biggie or Pac tip.
Wayne isn't gonna have much unreleased music if that did happen...dude has more mixtapes out than there are people living in China.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

you'd think people would see the bigger picture....and this dude has kids...*%#+!@% clown....

am I the only one who has a hard time reading through his interviews? This lil' N is clearly outta his @!%@@#+ mind....

You're not the only one....

We've known for a while that Wayne has been on drugs, but some of you guys are acting like his parents. Wayne is a grown man, and he's going to dowhatever he feels like doing. And about his children, if he dies, they will be well taken care of by his money.
As an ex "drank" sipper and sherm smokin' junkie, the hardest thing I had to do was quit associating with all my user "buddies" andsurround myself with people who care.The problem I had, is that i had to want to stop.Rehab didn't help the first day I got out I bought a duece and asherm on my way home.
Wayne needs to seriously look at his circle of friends and ask himself if they would be around if he didn't have drugs, the answer is "NO"he'd just be another junkie, or dead hes on a path to self destruction.
And about his children, if he dies, they will be well taken care of by his money.
You make that sound like actually having a father doesn't matter tho or him being around for them..?
Originally Posted by Integra Owner

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

you'd think people would see the bigger picture....and this dude has kids...*%#+!@% clown....

am I the only one who has a hard time reading through his interviews? This lil' N is clearly outta his @!%@@#+ mind....

You're not the only one....

We've known for a while that Wayne has been on drugs, but some of you guys are acting like his parents. Wayne is a grown man, and he's going to do whatever he feels like doing. And about his children, if he dies, they will be well taken care of by his money.

Paper does not act as a father figure in ones life, what a dumb comment. True say it will help them out in their lives but that means nothing. I'drather be poor and have a father then be rich without one. Sure he is a grown man age wise but he's not acting like one, your a complete fool if youdon't put your children ahead of such a stupid substance.
im not the biggest wayne fan on this board but this man needs to get his #%%# together. baby and the rest of his boys need to get this brother some helpimmediately before the inevitable happens
This might sound really stupid...but I don't think its much of a reach that I could conceivably one day log in on NT, check the Music Forum, and see a 20+page thread with "Lil Wayne" and "OD" somewhere in the title

He needs to get his #@*% together, pronto.
Im a recent Wayne fan since The Carter dropped and he is on fire...but I was talkin bout this to my girl last year.
This n.... is doing some good music and Im def. expecting him dead in a couple...(i am not hoping for it cause he is young, got kids etc)
but anyone think maybe he wants to go early on purpose? Maybe its stress, other sht**in his life or maybe he thinks he can go out rite now and be
in the great halls of hip hop with biggie, pac.

I know some don't think he is that good, neither do I (not yet) but if he goes today, he will surely be placed rite next to them and be reverred as
another legend gone in his prime............
Originally Posted by RatherUniqueB

Originally Posted by Integra Owner

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

you'd think people would see the bigger picture....and this dude has kids...*%#+!@% clown....

am I the only one who has a hard time reading through his interviews? This lil' N is clearly outta his @!%@@#+ mind....

You're not the only one....

We've known for a while that Wayne has been on drugs, but some of you guys are acting like his parents. Wayne is a grown man, and he's going to do whatever he feels like doing. And about his children, if he dies, they will be well taken care of by his money.

Paper does not act as a father figure in ones life, what a dumb comment. True say it will help them out in their lives but that means nothing. I'd rather be poor and have a father then be rich without one. Sure he is a grown man age wise but he's not acting like one, your a complete fool if you don't put your children ahead of such a stupid substance.
Youe are implying that Wayne's children are more important than the next child without a father; in his case, I'm not sure that theyaren't better off without him. Let's be real, all the things that this man is involved in, how often does he see his children? Besides that, whowants to see their father addicted to cocaine?

Wayne has been on a downward spiral for a while, heroin since 13, and numerous other recreational drugs since then. I feel for him and his whole family, but Ihave my own problems, and the only reason people care about what happens to this guy is because he's a famous rapper. Don't know about you, butI've seen this happen to numerous cats around my way, and nobody gave a damn. Tell me why he's more important than another man.
If Baby didn't care when B.G was on heroin @ like 17 yrs old...

Why would he care about Wayne????

I sincerely hope that he gets help b/c I am a fan and have been so since I heard him on B.G'z True Story....

And have remained so even though its so obvious that the drugs have taken a toll on him and his music

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