Good Web embed player for basic html?

Jun 4, 2006
I'm building a web page really quickly and I'm gonna upload a few of my friends songs onto it. I wanted to know whats a clean looking easy to useplayer where i can upload my music and embed it into the page.
use HTML5, not compatible with all browsers yet but it will be. You can code the video player right in there. Google it for more infoz
Use this:

<bgsound src = "LINKTOMUSIC" loop = "true"> <embed src ="LINKTOMUSIC" autostart = "true" loop = "false" volume ="50%" height = "60" width = "145">
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Use this:

<bgsound src = "LINKTOMUSIC" loop = "true"> <embed src = "LINKTOMUSIC" autostart = "true" loop = "false" volume = "50%" height = "60" width = "145">
I was thinking something more along the lines of a actual player like myspace where i could embed in. So the visitor could have more control overit playing. It's just two songs.
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