Google Chrome stans come in.


Aug 31, 2011
You guys keep saying how chrome is soo much better than firefox
and i see some reasons why, it takes up way less resources. but what extensions should i get for chrome to maximize my experience?
so far all i have is adblockplus
How is it better aside from using less resources?

I love that I can quickly type in something in firefox and recently viewed websites pop up, also websites who's title has the search terms I'm looking for... The dropdown menu to my highest viewed sites..... Then theres the quick and easy search bar on the top right.. I can even search in the main address bar and sometimes firefoxs knows what im talking about..

Chrome seems so basic and useless.. Please help me understand why it's useful.
Fastest Chrome is
infinite scroll on most pages
and these little pop up bubbles, you can highlight and search on whatever sites you set
(turn off Superfish and all that other stuff, just use infinite scroll and pop up bubbles)

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porn loads faster in google chrome due to the ability to block ads that slow down page loading.

team fap
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Fastest Chrome is
infinite scroll on most pages

and these little pop up bubbles, you can highlight and search on whatever sites you set

(turn off Superfish and all that other stuff, just use infinite scroll and pop up bubbles)


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Fastest chrome is great as long as you block the ads.
Every extension posted, can be found on Firefox though. I have a pretty strong computer so Firefox "using resources" doesn't really effect me. I tried hoppin on the Chrome hype machine but as of right now, it's still not better than Firefox.

-The Juice
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