Google Glasses Vol. What comes next?

May 27, 2005
I have no idea if I'm late on this, but came across it and thought I would share.

What's google going to do for us next? Wipe our ***?

What are your thoughts on how technology is evolving, NT?
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Yeah you're pretty late.

I welcome all technological advancements. Nanotech is pretty interesting.
Nothing comes next. Thats what frustrates me about google.

They announced a product that "could" happen.

Apple announces products they "have." 
Nothing comes next. Thats what frustrates me about google.

They announced a product that "could" happen.

Apple announces products they "have." 

So with that notion....Google should serve as a thinktank or an incubator for Apple innovations.
Nah, not even saying that.

Its just frustrating to hear a company talk about what they MIGHT do, but they (and their fans) get upset when they don't ever deliver.

Now if google releases something that doesn't come close to matching that UI/UX, then they're screwed for promising something they couldn't live up to. 
Nah, not even saying that.

Its just frustrating to hear a company talk about what they MIGHT do, but they (and their fans) get upset when they don't ever deliver.

Now if google releases something that doesn't come close to matching that UI/UX, then they're screwed for promising something they couldn't live up to. 
|I I thought Google was done pulling this crap with Android 4, where they finally made the platform a viable alternative to iOS, but no. They go and market the Nexus Q as a consumer device, and when they hear that it doesn't offer the feature set of something that costs $200 less, they ditch it and go back to the drawing board. Then we have ChromeOS, which is a pretty dumb move since there's honestly no real use case for it as it stands right now. And now we have Glass and Fiber which are awesome initiatives, but they're probably not going anywhere. It's sad, Google makes some good products, but they throw a ton of crap at the wall and see if anything sticks.
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