GOT A MAID? " AKA too lazy to clean up"


Mar 2, 2012
How many of yall got a maid that you pay to clean up for you? I know some of you can afford it 
i wish i had that luxury.
Reminds me of that rob and big episode where one of them hires a maid in a lingerie/maid outfit to clean and the other walks in with a "wth is this" look on his face
Originally Posted by Adrian1221

Reminds me of that rob and big episode where one of them hires a maid in a lingerie/maid outfit to clean and the other walks in with a "wth is this" look on his face

we hired a cleaning lady for the house i live in senior year of college. wont lie it was nice.
my roommate and i have a cleaning company that comes every other week and in between if we need an emergency clean up.
we live in a 3 floor condo tho so its worth it. both of us love to cook, have chicks and friends over but hate to clean.
@*#% a maid, I clean my own stuff to perfection. 

I met my friend's roommate who grew up with maids, and it was shocking to know what he couldn't do. Never cleaned, and never cooked anything for himself. He had no idea how to make popcorn, ramen, or easy mac.
I have a mexican named lupita who comes and cleans once a week

it's nice but I'm thinking bout firing her
I do, don't really like it. At first her work was really good, now I can barely tell if she came.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

I do, don't really like it. At first her work was really good, now I can barely tell if she came.
 i know the feeling man.

first few times my cleaning lady came the house was hospital grade spotless.  im talking i could probably eat off the toilet seat.  the more she got comfortable and into her groove, the more the level of cleanliness started to drop off.  it used to take her and her crew like 3 hrs to clean my place top to bottom.  nowadays shes in an out in bout 75 minutes.  what the eff?  i think i need to let her go and hire someone new, cause this one is slackin and gettin a bit too comfortable.  only reason im hesitant on firing her is that after all this time having her clean my house, im fairly trusting of her and i will let her in to clean and she will handle it and let herself out.  if i go with someone knew i feel like i gotta hang out while they are working to make sure they dont rob me.

We have a live-in maid/nanny for my little brother for about 8 years now. She stays with us on the weekdays then stays with her boyfriend on the weekend. She's practically family at this point. Our house always looks spotless, with 8 people living there, and my laundry usually has a 8 hour turnaround
. She is very much appreciated whenever I'm at home. I've been away at school for almost 6 years.
I have a maid come once a week it's legit. Nothing better than coming home from work on a Monday to a spotless apartment
no, i'm paranoid that i might get robbed. plus i'm not that messy in the first place.
Originally Posted by taymane23

So don't nobody have a maid that they'd want to smash or have smashed?

That is my dream. Maid that look like this?


Boi I'd be in love. She can clean my sneaker closet, then I smash cheeks.
Originally Posted by Lubu1

Originally Posted by taymane23

So don't nobody have a maid that they'd want to smash or have smashed?

That is my dream. Maid that look like this?


Boi I'd be in love. She can clean my sneaker closet, then I smash cheeks.
if that was my maid fambs... it'd be a wrap...

but i was JUST going to ask this question but seen it was already ask...


If I get rich, I hired a maid JUST like that. Some chick from mexico or DR. Clean my house, and then we make love, maybe she could father a mixed kid for me. But I wouldnt hide it like Arnold.
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