Gotham Knight video game (new trailer) 8/22/20 p.66

For me, the mechanics of the Batmobile is what has me like "meh" The streets are too small for the amount of drifting it does when u hit a hard turn. There's no real straightaways to build speed at times when u need it. The streets shouldve been made a little wider or the car a little smaller to have a better ratio. When you're defusing the bombs and u got 5+ tank drones around u, it almost looks like bumper cars at the local carnival :lol:
I mean if that batmobile was only in the game for navigating Gotham and car chases people would've lost their minds and complained about how the batmobile was pointless. The battle mode add a who new element to the game. Some of the riddler missions with the tank and it's power grappling hook were clever.

Again what a reach and reading out of context. Sheesh. :smh:

No one is saying just use it to drive around and cut all the batmobile content, it was that it is TOO MUCH. Everyhing you can do with it is fine, races, sneaking up, chases, puzzles, using the hitch, etc... those were great but they put too much emphasis on it and put too much content to using it. Cut some of those battles down and add more unique boss fights where it isn't necessary to use the batmobile and most would have been happy. Even with those fights where you are stuck in the batmobile were cut, there was still more than enough to do with it with the Riddler races, puzzles, riddler challenges, chasing Firefly, using it to take down some of those roadblocks, diffusing bombs, etc...
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I mean if that batmobile was only in the game for navigating Gotham and car chases people would've lost their minds and complained about how the batmobile was pointless. The battle mode added a whole new element to the game. Some of the riddler missions with the tank and it's power grappling hook were clever.

And batmobile assisted takedowns are awesome as as well

True and i agree ......................................but lol its way over done a tank battle should of never been in place of some of the boss battles. I stopped playing at like 79% of the main story because its just to much. Batman games are hand to hand not tanks battles.
The batmobile gets blown up?? 

Damn it man im only 50% game progress
Haven't done Riddler races I assume?
I just opened the last island where then next ridder race was. I wasnt able to bring my batmobile over there to do it until I took out that big missle thing on that skyscraper thats under construction.
Just realized I finished the main story minus riddler challenges without upgrading the batmobile once.  
The batmobile gets blown up?? 

Damn it man im only 50% game progress :frown:

Haven't done Riddler races I assume?

I just opened the last island where then next ridder race was. I wasnt able to bring my batmobile over there to do it until I took out that big missle thing on that skyscraper thats under construction.

Oh ok, yeah the Batmobile blows up in the races plenty of times, well I blew it up :lol: . Good thing Bats has a fleet of Batmobiles on stand by. :lol:
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That DLC looks nice/

The only things I would complain about are the Deathstroke battle and the Drill part in the game.
Wouldn't you consider the Arkham Knight reveal scene a Boss Battle too? You have to use all your predator skills to get to him.
No story spoiler here but some battle spoilers so beware.

Wouldn't you consider the Arkham Knight reveal scene a Boss Battle too? You have to use all your predator skills to get to him.

Eh, it wasn't even the hardest predator challenge in the game. It didn't feel the same level as Mr Freeze, it was just an extended version of the regular predator map and the enemies didn't even really need to adapt. You can do the same takedowns as you did when the stages switched. Felt like it was too easy to be honest.

I still think they missed a big opportunity to have a different boss battle though or some sort of hand to hand combat. Like after you take down Arkhams tank, should have gve you a chance at hand to hand combat or a new boss mechanic/strategy. Same can be said with Deathstroke, should have had another battle after you take down his tank. I think all the tank battle complaints would hvae been overshadowed had it not ended the fights in tanks.

Even the Two-Face predator/takedown was just generic, it isn't even like the last time where you have to save him last and had strategy, you just take out all the thugs.

Instead of all the flood of tank battles, they should have used the dual takedown more than once. That's another missed opportunity or what seems like they'll be using in the DLC, which kind of sucks because it would have been great in-game itself. They should have had it with Nightwing and Catwoman since you do not get to interact and use those characters as much as most hoped.
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^^ I see where you're coming from. It was very weird for Deathstroke and I would have loved to have fought AK with Robin & Nightwing helping. The story potential would have been crazy.

can't wait to see if we get any Post-AK story DLC.
The third story expansion, which is focused on Nightwing, Catwoman and Robin, are suppose to occur during and after the events of AK.
I didn't realize until now how in the dark I was about this game to avoid spoilers. I dead *** didn't know that. Can't wait
I'm like 76% done with completing this game. And so far there's only one h2h combat boss fight in Panessa Studios. I'm guessing that's the only one.
City was dope with Freeze, Bane, Penguin, Ras Al, Solomon Grundy, ivy and Face

Who was the genius to take out those battles and substitute tanks :x
Yeah, personally I don't understand why they didn't make it Jason as Robin. Seems like it would've fit well considering all the flashbacks.
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