Gotham Knight video game (new trailer) 8/22/20 p.66


Sums up the game perfectly , beautiful game ruined by the bat mobile
Why is that so funny? :rofl:

If they cut a few batmobile sequences, the game would have been perfect but I'm still happy with what they gave us. I had lots of fun. 8.5 out of 10
Game is still definitely fun and I loved it despite my numerous complaints about the Batmobile. I actually didn't really mind the story at all either, could be better but I enjoyed it very much nonetheless.

The game would have been on a another level if there was simply an option to bypass the Batmobile. Like I am fine with being stuck in it for the part of the story (don't want to spoil it but you know which part I am talking about) but the others, it owuld be nice if you could face the villain as Batman instead of as the Batmobile. Really wouldn't be too farfetch to give the game the tag line "Be The Batmobile."


(PS4 players have to turn off the network to change the date)
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How am I supposed to get the Batgirl story? I have the season pass and I don't see anywhere I can download it (PS4)

Edit: nevermind I found it
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so i finally did knightfall protocol. 

i was on 99% and attempted the riddler trophies and after an hour i was like F this.

so i got the short ending and youtubed the long ending because 2015.

what are your guys thoughts on the long ending.

put in spoilers i guess.
I mean you could also take it as it is if you're cool to accepting simply what you saw.
Of course he didn't kill himself.  Alfred was right there too.  Batman just needed a vacation.
After his vacation, he came back and people exaggerated stories, like that one animated movie where batman was different based on the person's interpretation of what batman looked like.
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i dont think he killed himself, nor do i think hes dead.

i just dont see how he could come back after talkembout how it (him disappearing) is the best thing for everyone.

plus his covers blown. he cant have a family or normal life anyway outside of batman.

i kinda feel like someone else takes over for him, for the petty stuff because bruce took out the major threats, and whoever it is uses the fear toxin to make them believe batman is back.

could even be gordon.
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Came off as a Dark Knight Rises type ending to me. Even with there still being someone left to continue the work afterwards. Because honestly there's little reason for him to have blown up the mansion if he wasn't trying to fake his death and then disappear and start up again somewhere else.
my girlfriend bought me a ps4 tht came with batman arkham knight last week and I didn't get the red/black batmobile skin . how come
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