Gotta Take A Pee Test vol. I need a miracle!!!!!!!!!!!


formerly pleasesaythebaby23
Apr 15, 2006
Straight to the point

I got a new job and they are so low on staff they wanna hire me ASAP

They said they want me to come in for a pee test on thursday

I just
saturday May 29th

Anybody can help me out?

and to make it even worst its a City job and coming from somebody who a freshman in college thats a good job....good money/good hours (lets just say I would make almost as much as my Brother who is a State worker and is a grad of the University of Florida)

if im breaking rules mods please delete
i used to take Ultimate Orange as a drink supplement and it would always test me pot positive on a test. I would just bring in a sample of the supplement and i was gravy. but that was back about 15-17 years ago.

not sure if this helps. but good luck, OP.


drink a lot of water and pee as much as you can.
well from past threads on here i heard sweating a lot helps, so get running and sweat it out
1) Drink vinegar
2) Drink a lot of water
3) go to a Sona, and sweat away
4) try to get a cleansing drink at GNC
definitely drink a lot a water

i heard green tea will help as well... idk how reliable that is though
Originally Posted by SoLeCiTy

1) Drink vinegar
2) Drink a lot of water
3) go to a Sona, and sweat away
4) try to get a cleansing drink at GNC
yeah...go to a Sona
There's no way you're gonna be clean on Thursday..

Your best best is to get a drink called Herbal Cleanser.. you drink it a couple hours before and your piss will be clean when it's time to take the test.

I swear these threads come up once ever month
drink twice your body weight in water a day (in ounces.)
run whenever possible
hang out in a sauna for an hour or two a day
use those cleansers that people recommend.
constantly drink water
take some azos (cranberry pills)
work out and sauna
& detox

or you can bring in someones clean urine
My brother used to take a thing called palo azul (blue stick) he passed all of his drug testings his P.O. gave him but I think she was trying to help him out because one time he tested positive so she threw it out and told him to take it again.

A co-worker of mine drinks pickle juice when he has to take his he said it never fails.
Originally Posted by RAWse

There's no way you're gonna be clean on Thursday..

Wrong! OP you need to be active and sweat alot, and before you take your drop drink like a gallon and a half of water a hour before. Dont spend money on none of that so called cleanser, all you need is water.
My boy is a cronic
. Dude landed a security job and they made him go get a drug test but like two days before he hit up CVS for some 50 dollar drink and needless to say he got the job. Might be ducktales but  dude was doing this all over the place when he got his first check
Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Originally Posted by RAWse

There's no way you're gonna be clean on Thursday..

Wrong! OP you need to be active and sweat alot, and before you take your drop drink like a gallon and a half of water a hour before. Dont spend money on none of that so called cleanser, all you need is water.
Wrong! You honestly think OP could get MJ out of his system in less than a week? It takes a minimum of AT LEAST 1 or 2 weeks to get it out your system, but only if you exercise and drink right, which a lot of people slack on
I don't know what city you're in, but if you got a headshop around, go in there and grab a urine cleanser.
I had to take a hair test, copped some shampoo from outta there and passed. Costs like 40 bones...
Smoked like 2 days before.
Follow the directions, and that $#!% works... The End
It takes anywhere from 3-5 weeks to get out your system.

I've taken 5 or so job related piss test after smoking a week before and passed.

The secret is to drink more then a gallon of water as fast as you can 45 minutes prior to the exam. Wait till you piss atleast twice before actually taking the piss test. If your piss is spring water clear, you good!

All this talk about sauna and excercise is false, doesnt really matter what you do during the days leading to the test, all that matters is your piss the day of.

I've used the drinks too and passed but its just a waste of $40 imo, drinking lots of water did the trick too.

Good Luck
man yall got me feeling like

one post i read im like
im all good

then the next post im like
im outta luck


but pretty much the main thing is drinking alot of water
do this...
buy a small round plastic container with a lid
ask a friend to urinate in it
before you go in for the test
heat it up with a cars heater
then concelle it in between your pants
when its time to fill it up
simply trasfer pees from one container to the next
and hope for the best
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