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contrary to what this guy says, don't underestimate the test. it's practically a 4/5 hour test and you have to power through mental fatigue. I doubt he set a high bar for himself and you really just want to take it once. Good luck

480 out of 500 on the verbal and a 4.5 out of 5 on the written, i believe (this was like 6 years ago)

but you right, i didn't set any bar for myself cause i studied maybe 4 hours over a week leading up to the test

also got accepted into the only school i applied to

my advice was, don't stress out over the test and do poor due to nerves...

it's literally things functioning adults should know.

but, then again, look outside...

don't listen to me, tho.

instead, listen to this guy telling you that the GRE is 5 hours of mental strain and scary.

its so hard, housewives pass it to part-time teach.
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on another note,

as always,

i can edit/help write essays for you guys.

i operate a consultancy which provides various services, including in a writing and editorial capacity.

shoot me an email: [email protected]

i have countless NT and real references.

i've gotten people into georgetown law and OSU's fisher business school, among others
so you took it 6 years ago and act like the test hasn't changed? There's a difference between "passing" and scoring in a top percentile, which is what you want if you want your choice of schools. The fact that you only applied to one school shouldn't be a point of accomplishment.
NTers love contradicting my posts

you got it bro.

my scores weren't top percentile and didn't get me into the school i took them for

you got it bro

its super hard to pass a GRE

you got it

pay someone hundreds of dollars to help you study

and be nervous

it will help.
Working on my test for this Intro to Finance class I'm teaching. A little extra change in my pocket to talk to a bunch of seniors that only are taking the class to graduate, so no nerds trying to do too much :pimp:

Man, I hope this damb adjunct professor gig gonna make me a more qualified candidate for them MBAs.

I'm aiming for HSW!
Yeah, you trying too hard, famb-o.

i gave my opinion/advice

like always, some random NTer HAS to contradict me

now i'm trying too hard

you got it, b.

how much money do test prep courses cost?

yall pay that?

and still struggle?


(last post in thread)
lol give it a rest man. Everybody can sense you're trying to be a humblebrag when we're just trying to give advice to each other without seeming condescending. Lmao hope your consulting business takes off.
learned my lesson about registering early for summer classes...of the two required courses being offered, i missed the one i wanted and filled up...

only one available was the one i am analysis
Thread bump, but just a quick update.

I met with my Student Advisory Committee today and they gave me permission to write and defend my PhD thesis. I hope everyone is doing well. Don't be discouraged. You got this! :nthat:
Thread bump, but just a quick update.

I met with my Student Advisory Committee today and they gave me permission to write and defend my PhD thesis. I hope everyone is doing well. Don't be discouraged. You got this! :nthat:

Good luck to you!
Thread bump, but just a quick update.

I met with my Student Advisory Committee today and they gave me permission to write and defend my PhD thesis. I hope everyone is doing well. Don't be discouraged. You got this!
Whats your thesis on if you dont mind me asking
why is APA so hard to write in?

its just reference after reference, no analysis to back up arguments...
Thread bump, but just a quick update.

I met with my Student Advisory Committee today and they gave me permission to write and defend my PhD thesis. I hope everyone is doing well. Don't be discouraged. You got this! :nthat:

Good luck fam! Handle that paper..

In my second week of B school. There's work to do everyday, but I'm motivated. My cohort is full of bright people.. half of them are engineers or from somewhere international, a third have masters already. Need to get on their level
Very happy to announce that I got into my program of choice!

Decided to forego relocating for Biz school last year, and this validates my choice even more.

Question regarding financing.......For those of you that went, did you take out loans? My company will pay for around 1/5th.
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Congrats! Yea I had to take the Direct Stafford Federal Loan, my MS program gonna cost me $30k. I took this semester off, just had to complete this beginner's course I was supposed to have paired with the 1st class and as normal, procrastinated but I should hit my deadline easily and be back in next semester with a +3/0 gpa in grad school which is amazing to me with all I have going on now and I never did that well even in undergrad

I am thinking about transferring but I wonder how hard it is and how much. I cared a lot at first about being a top 100 college (top 2% since there's approximately 5,000 colleges in the US), but now I think cost is more important to me. I chose University of San Diego which doesn't carry any real brand recognition anyways. A Cincy or Michigan, even though they're more like only in the top 200, probably carry more name cache.
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Michigan is a top 10 school........

I will be attending a top 25 program and def care about costs....

Did you apply through your school for the loan? I am debt free, and could probably afford to pay for my program out of pocket, just want to explore options.

Just curious why transfer? If you are doing well, why switch?
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