Graffiti Showcase/ Show me your black books!

I think they stop producing white cover joints. either that or those @#%$ are rare then a mother-!
"Team Photoshop, Step up your layers!!!"

"We are dominant in the world because of our culture, We can control the way people think and talk and dance, and that is how I define power."
-spike lee
Took this picture yesterday. IT BLEW MY MIND The size and the super busy location! Right on the corner of Haight and Ashbury in san francisco on the old Gap store. Though you guys might appreciate it.
Im posting this here and in the open sketch thread, since i have both graff and a sketch in this, enjoy!

broccoli that is insane! thanks for the pic :smile:
i'd just put a few sheets under the page your working on so they bleed on those instead
Put a sheet or two of wax paper. It works really well.

Sleep doesn't exsist in my house
im pretty sure that AMAZE is legal...when i first saw it though i was shocked then i put 2 and 2 together and i figured out it was legal...the fill is way to clean to be illegal, that would be like 50 cans...unless he had an army with him
^^^ i would think that would be legal too but if u had permission to do sumthin would u do a giant bubble i wouldnt thats the only reason y i dont think it is legal:.
^yeah that was a thought when i first saw it... but then i thought about haight street and what graf is becoming...meaning haight has many stores lined with throwies and graf is becoming this big commercial thing (Cope2 throwies are famous he gets to do them legally, which is stupid cope is a reason for sayin that is the person who tought him is CAP this toy from the good old times) so who knows i dont think we will know if it was legal or not...if it was illegal mad props to him and if it was legal mad props to him
That amaze pic is pretty cool, but here in NYC that style would not sit well with anyone, the A looks awful...but the size and clean lines make up for it I guess.
If anyone has seen some 'SOBER' and 'GOUCH' throws here in New York, you'll know they can go that big but with a way better style.

And as far as CAP being a is having your fill in on almost every train car of an entire subway fleet toy? I actually like his style too..
SAY NO TO "FORCED RARITY". Don't be stupid.
I haven't checked this thread out ina few days and I have to make a few comments...

1. Very nice pic Broc!!! And although you guys keep going back and forth on it... I can tell you without a doubt it is LEGAL!!! Look right in the middle of it, he did not paint the light, if that was ILLGEAL he would have blasted over EVERYTHING!!!! But that light is perfectly masked off!!!! As far as the style goes, that's his style and if you think that A is "awful" then you should take a look at Haze's throwies cause that was his style too!!!

2. Whittee... That would take about 10 cans, not 50. If you had 50 cans in only 2 colors you could paint almost 4 whole subway train cars top to bottom and they are 48ft long...

I know both Cope and Cap on a personal level, I talk to them both regualarly and if you call either of them toys, then you have to be a toy yourself because you DON'T know your HISTORY!!!! When they were at their peeks, they would go out and do 100 throw ups A NIGHT or MORE!!! That is how you make a name for yourself and get up!!! They both have some of the best, most well know throwies of ALL TIME!!! You ask 100 people and their names will be in the top 10 along with the king of all throwies IZ The Wiz, Quik, Ghost, Seen, PJ, JA, just to name a few!!! Funny how the dopest throw ups are completely readable but kids these days try to do wildstyle throw ups that you can't even read...

3. OGfiend... I'm friends with both Sober and Gouch and I will agree with you, they got some dope $hit running. They always do their stuff in dope spots and BIG and fill it in SOLID!!! They are some of my favorite writers in NY right now. Gouch is very underrated in the graff game in general, he has several throw up styles that are all dope and his handstyle is in the top 5 I have seen in the world.

As far as Cap goes, doing pieces he was a toy but he wasn't a piecer, he was a bomber!!! All he wanted to do was get up. Style Wars over glorified him though because people that don't know any better think he was the all time "king of bombing" and that is completely untrue!! That title goes to Iz The Wiz. Cap was NEVER all city aka "the entire subway fleet" but IZ on the other hand was. Cap really only hit lines that were in the Bronx, he VERY RARELY traveled out of the Bronx for the simple fact he went over people and he had alot of beef and would get beat down if he went into a spot that wasn't his and got caught. The main lines he bombed were the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 lines. He's definately in my top 5 greatest throw ups of all time maybe in the top 3..

I'm not trying to talk any $hit, I am just spreading REAL history for you guys to learn it just like I have. Maybe you don't have the interest in it but the info is there...
You say I'm not The "E"??? You wanna make a bet???
^ Gouch is definitely underrated....I've been seeing his stuff around my neighborhood down Coney Island Ave for the several years now, but Sober seems to be more recognized.
SAY NO TO "FORCED RARITY". Don't be stupid.
^^^ Both are really cool cats... I met both of them through my boy Tommy Rebel out in Bay Ridge... That's where I stay when I come to NY... Looking forward to my trip out there at the end of July... I'm making a bunch fo stuff for the new Tuff City Tattoo shop in the BX... I'll post the info when I got it for the grand opening if any of the NY heads want to roll through...
You say I'm not The "E"??? You wanna make a bet???

Although this is a dope spot, I just got confirmation this was infact LEGAL!!! Appearently this is going to be an art gallery or something along those lines and the people know Amaze and Twist and had him come and blast the front windows so people can't look in while they are working on the inside getting it ready to go...

So there ya have it... Great pic though...
You say I'm not The "E"??? You wanna make a bet???
when i said toy...i wasnt sayin that they arent good at what they do, i was just sayin going over peices with throwies is toy...his throwie is nice and i would have not said that he was a toy if he just crushed buildings and such, the fact of going over peices just presses all the wrong buttons, i know how it feels to spend time on a peice and then go back the next day and find some had a watergun filled with paint, and you didnt even get a flick...cope has mad skills he knows he good, im just sayin gettin famous off a throwie is not fair, he does have a good throwie but i have seen alot better ones...he should just do more peices (i know he does but you always hear about his throwies)...and it is cool that you know them i would like to know some legends like them myself, i meant toy in a not offensive way(like they suck) just saying they should use there talent to get up in a better way

one more thing i forgot to mentor knew cap on a wussup basis and sayed is a cool dude, but SHEIKSHA my mentor has had a few of his peices throwied on by CAP
about SHEIKSHA he is an older dude and he lives in Oakland right now so you will barely see any of his work still in New York...he is all about the peices
^^^ Cap was a BOMBER, not a piecer... yeah he did some pieces but he was more known for his throwies and was made infamous by his portrail in Style Wars. No one that was around at the time will argue that he was a king of bombing on certain lines BUT he was going over alot of people but so was PJ, but people don't talk as much about PJ because he wasn't in Style Wars because he was in jail the time is was being filmed. I mean look at JA, have you ever seen pics of a JA piece??? There are a few floating around out there but he is a bomber, that's what he chose to do and he's known all over the world for that.

As far as Cope goes, I don't know how you could call Cope a toy because he paints more pieces then anyone I know. I guess you haven't seen his book or video cause you'd know he does more pieces these days then throw ups. A toy is someone who SUCKS!!! People hate on Cope but most of the people that do are just jealous because he gets the spotlight so much. Cope still goes out bombing even after the cops know who he is and where he lives, he keeps it real. If he wants to go out and hit trains, he will...

Some writers bomb and that's all they do, some writers piece and that's all they do and some do both. I mean look at the bus hoppers in SF, most of then just bomb, only a handful actually do pieces too. It's a whole different animal... Bombing you will get your name out there more and get more street cred which is what you gotta do to make a name for yourself.

As far as your boy, I've never heard of him in NY or SF but I do know people in the crews he's down with from NY.
You say I'm not The "E"??? You wanna make a bet???
just to throw this out that part masked off is not a light it is just the building permit.
^^^ Looks like a light in the pic...

I did get confirmation from my boy who also owns a gallery in the city and knows the guys that are renting the building now, that Amaze did that legally to help them black out the windows... :wink:
Great spot though...
You say I'm not The "E"??? You wanna make a bet???
i have seen 2 cope peices...i have seen like 200 throwies...where are all the flicks of his peices?...i would love to see them, i had no idea he does alot of peices, so please post some far as cap and pj...i was just sayin style wars fo those who didnt know of him, i havent heard of pj, but my mentor was the one who was tellin me about cap and how he had gone over some of his i take callin them toy back
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