Grave Shift Sleeping Insomnia Sleep Patterns

Nov 30, 2007
Cant sleep, been sleeping all day and up all night. This is the worst sleep pattern I ever had. Started at going to bed at 2a.m. then 3 then 4 and so on. Lastnight i went to sleep at like 11a.m. and woke up at 5:30pm. This #$#% is just unhealthy. Been going on for a little over 2 weeks. So...
1.Who else is up?
2.Any tips on converting back over?

O yeah, I'm in the eastern time zone. It's 3 o'clock.
same here. been taken some pills but will officially stay up all day tomorrow until im sleepy at night. it sucks man. i wake up and i miss everything.
yeah i bought pills too, but havent tried them yet. tryna to convert naturally first. and it does suck cause your head is pounding half the time.
and you should take an easy on sleeping pills, you don't wanna grow a tolerance for them.
lol, Whenever I've Been Up For A Long Time I Start To Get Extremely Goofy And Feel Kinda Drunk, Sorta.
I worked the 10p-6a and 11p-7a shift for a year. It took my about 6 months to be able to sleep normally again. Being active and tiring yourself out physicallyduring the day helps. Also, melatonin helps to normalize your sleep cycle again. Take a couple about 30m before you try and sleep. Don't eat before goingto sleep and staty away from a lot of sugar and caffeine.

I saw you are waking up early and for now, just go with it because you'll be tired at night again. It will correct itself eventually.
I've been out of whack for about a week due to late night freelance work after my regular gig and coming home and spending time with the fam and I'm atit again tonight. I'm just gonna go give wifey the mule til I pass out when I'm done.
Being active and tiring yourself out physically during the day helps.
my father tells me that.

I saw you are waking up early and for now, just go with it because you'll be tired at night again. It will correct itself eventually.
i'm confused.
i work from 10-6 at night random days of the week so i know how you feel. when i dont work i end up going to sleep at like 4 in the morning. just set an alarmto wake yourself up at a decent time in the morning. even if you didnt get enough sleep you will be able to fall asleep at night at around 12 or so. then youcan slowly move to where you can just go to sleep at a normal time. thats what works for me
i work from 10-6 at night random days of the week so i know how you feel. when i dont work i end up going to sleep at like 4 in the morning. just set an alarmto wake yourself up at a decent time in the morning. even if you didnt get enough sleep you will be able to fall asleep at night at around 12 or so. then youcan slowly move to where you can just go to sleep at a normal time. thats what works for me
take some ambien. it should kick in less then 30 minutes and youll be back into your normal sleeping pattern in like a week or so.
yeah like dude said, keep going and soon enough youll do a 24 hour revolution and be back to where you want to be.

you going to bed at 11 am? you like halfway there
you going to bed at 11 am?
No. that was yesterday. I'm tryna make it to around 9 p.m.-ish today (with a nap bc my head is starting to hurt).
If I goto bed at 11 ill sleep till late after-noon and I'll be back on that path and wont be able to sleep tuesday night.
Im on the same boat. I got back from the Philippines about just before new years and my sleeping pattern is still running on their time. Its funny cuz I didnthave trouble adjusting to thier time, but look at me now.
i used to sleep like this for the first half of last year. usually awake until 6 am. getting a job with morning shifts forced me to change it. i miss sleepingduring the day though.
I did the night shift for 2 years.....and was on the same boat you are. I would have to smoke sum trees to sleep at night. Dont use sleepn pills, let your bodydo it naturally but it will prob take 6mnths to a year to fully get back to normal
it will prob take 6mnths to a year to fully get back to normal
*#%# that my semester starts back in the 14th and basketball practice starts the 13th.
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