Great Business Ideas that wouldn't work in reality..

Apr 5, 2012
Watching Seinfeld and Kramer's awesome, but terrible ideas got me thinking about all the ones I had in the past that seemed great but probably in reality wouldn't work.  My most recent one (on reading the let that other ethnicity boy cook thread):
"Scratch Kitchen" or "Let em Cook"

-Located in San Francisco, interior design being rustic with a touch from every major cuisine country.

-15 counter tops, with stoves etc

-Ipad (in protective case) attached the table top.

-1 or 2 people, $100 for the session/per table top.  1 hour cooking time.  Runs from 11-12:30, 1-2:30 (Sat/Sun) 5-6, 6:30-7:30, 8-9:30 (Fri/Sat/Sun)

-When the bell rings there is a Who Wants to Be a Millionaire style program that runs on the ipads, and through random/selection each person/team of 2 gets a dish that they have to cook.

-They all go to the 'grocery store' at the front to pick up the necessary ingredients (pre-prepared for them, plus stuff like knives, spatulas etc).

-Then the bell hits and there is a countdown clock and they prepare the dishes (recipe for portions of 4-6 people). There will be a 'chef' walking around to help them.

-At the end they all take their dishes to the buffet line, place them down and pick up a plate and grab a little from each and relax and eat.  During this time the cleanup would take place.

-Revenue $15000 (Sat/Sun) + $4500 (Friday) = $19,500 a week or $84,500 monthly before tax (if at full capacity, probably more like 30k to start)

-Expenses: Rent, utilities, insurance, wages (2 employees, chef, cleanup/grocer), food (fixed costs possible equipment, utensils etc).

-Sadly, probably not financially feasible.

What great ideas you have that you'll probably never have a chance to see come to fruition?
What about Cole's idea to give free soup but rent out the spoons.

Rent'em Spoons he was going to call it.
I drive a lot and i always wanted to be able to have car phones that you could call based on a person's license plate.

Like every car has a phone in it you can't call anything but other cars.  But you see some one in a car you can call that car by dialing their license plate number into your phone.  You could hop in your car and call your friends car see if they are on their way.  See a cute girl while sitting in her car phone say what's up.  See some dude with a tail light his car phone let him know.

This obviously would never work with all the hands free laws and people probably blowing up your car phone for prank calls or just to be a jerk or something.  But i thought it was a good idea at the time.
so wait, you want people to pay to make their own food... Or am I getting it wrong???
Originally Posted by Jking0821

I drive a lot and i always wanted to be able to have car phones that you could call based on a person's license plate.

Like every car has a phone in it you can't call anything but other cars.  But you see some one in a car you can call that car by dialing their license plate number into your phone.  You could hop in your car and call your friends car see if they are on their way.  See a cute girl while sitting in her car phone say what's up.  See some dude with a tail light his car phone let him know.

This obviously would never work with all the hands free laws and people probably blowing up your car phone for prank calls or just to be a jerk or something.  But i thought it was a good idea at the time.
It would have to be hands free. 
If not accidents waiting to happen not to mention the crazy road rage phone calls
Originally Posted by AEA18

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I drive a lot and i always wanted to be able to have car phones that you could call based on a person's license plate.

Like every car has a phone in it you can't call anything but other cars.  But you see some one in a car you can call that car by dialing their license plate number into your phone.  You could hop in your car and call your friends car see if they are on their way.  See a cute girl while sitting in her car phone say what's up.  See some dude with a tail light his car phone let him know.

This obviously would never work with all the hands free laws and people probably blowing up your car phone for prank calls or just to be a jerk or something.  But i thought it was a good idea at the time.
It would have to be hands free. 
If not accidents waiting to happen not to mention the crazy road rage phone calls
Imagining people getting cut off and grabbing the phone all angry to call the car that did it and curse them out.  Maybe we should have digital licenses plates that we can make opaque or something that only cops can see or something so this doesn't happen lol. 

I def don't think it is a good idea.  But one day i was like wouldn't it be cool if.....and then when i put thought into it it i was never gonna work lol
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