Greatest Freakout Evar!

what he did with the remote...
Originally Posted by thaisativa1

so real, why say its fake? what makes it fake?

The sheer insanity of it..

It just seems staged. He places the camera as he's about to go in and then he gets it after he leaves..

But if that is real, I suddenly feel a lot better about my video game related outbursts.
what you guys dont realize is that people have YEARS invested in this game... think of working for something for years only to have it taken away from you...and he's a teenager. I know I freaked out hardcore when I was a teen... I think the only thing that this vid is lacking is tears, but he probably madethose vanish under the cover as well
its not real so stop it guys, quit saying its real. if it was real then why would he stick a remote up his butt?
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