Greek Member Of Parliament Slaps Female Rival on Live TV

I was expecting a subtle @*#*@ sit yo %** down with that backhand slap, but no it was 3 slaps.
Originally Posted by iYen

I was expecting a subtle @*#*@ sit yo %** down with that backhand slap, but no it was 3 slaps.

I was caught off guard too. 
 See wasnt having it though. 
I'm not buying that dude was special forces.

Who slaps like that?

How he whiff on 2 out of 3?
Man it is what it is, thus meaning I found it funny how he G-money'd the chick. Although he shouldn't have threw water at her, she crossed a crucial lines.
Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

dude got locked in a room and escaped in afield.

He musta been endorsed by Hermes

My man said he had a Greek god's help though 
Originally Posted by Big J 33

From Reddit..
As a Greek I'll tell you some facts about the aftermath.The beating and cursing continued while there was a commercial break.The man was chased in the studio by cameramen and the floor manager and they managed to lock him in a room where he hid until the police came.He then busted the door open and run away from the studio in the nearby fields.And he's a congress man elected by 6.8% of the people who voted.I'm bursting in laughs and tears....
Edit : He is still missing.No reports of his whereabouts yet.Little fact : He called the party's leader when he was locked in the room requesting 100 man help.Might me media making things big though, but it's possible.
Edit2 : One of the two congresswomen,the one he bathed, is pressing charges.He is also due to a court on Monday, being accused of taking part in a robbery of a college proffesor.He allegedly rent a car, which the robers used to escape the scene.

Sounds like he is bout that life.
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