Greta Van susteren gets owned by Al Sharpton

Apr 7, 2006
Nothing to do with what happens in the video but...Damn she is an ugly woman

part 1

part 2
They actually seemed to have a conversation that was direct to each other with each person actually trying to answer the other person's question.

I don't think I've ever seen that on television.
I think Rev. Sharpton debated very well. That is the problem with a lot of political debates, that people try to put their negative spin on situations to makethem more "newsworthy". Like when you question being in Iraq, people say that you don't support the troops and you have to spend the next hourdefending that you are not unpatriotic. This is why problems don't get solved. People want to score points and not allieviate the situation.
First time I've ever been proud of Al Sharpton
wow, Al actually gave her the business right there

i hate that broad... just the way she talks
my dad rollo

Originally Posted by ReeceMan10

she reminds of the chick from the S-Word episode of the Boondocks...

that chick is real and if im not mistaken shes been on fox news also, anne culter or whatever
I actually agreed with what Al was saying THIS time. She simply couldn't give him a direct answer. On the other hand, Obama'spastor truly didn't make an effort to make it seem like he wasn't implying that he was talking about white people. So I couldsee where Greta was drawing conclusions also.

Bottom line, when people let race and politics mix it almost always ends up in disaster.
For once, I can actually say he did his thing. It's so sad how biased fox news is as a whole man but
Nice. The usual tactics of the Fox news network and radio personalities. When you're not trying to speak louder than your opponent, spin things in anillogical manner without any facts to support yourself.
Fox News has been doing absolutely terrible coverage of this story, Sean Hannity in particular... their opinion is so skewed to one side. The American publicdoesn't seem to care about this whole incident anymore yet night after night after night thats all these commentators seem to report about. Its like theywant to be credited for leading to the demise of Sen. Obama's campaign.
Originally Posted by BenFranklinAve

Fox News has been doing absolutely terrible coverage of this story, Sean Hannity in particular... their opinion is so skewed to one side. The American public doesn't seem to care about this whole incident anymore yet night after night after night thats all these commentators seem to report about. Its like they want to be credited for leading to the demise of Sen. Obama's campaign.

I read somewhere that Fox as suffering from slumping ratings....until the whole Reverend Wright incident. Their first fours days covering thetopic....brought home record rating for their prime time programming. They are going to milk this for all its worth.
he did "own" her but It hink any intellegent person would be able to take both statements made by Obama's reverand and Imus's statements andsee the racist connotations in both. Al is very good at beating around the bush and acts like african americans cannot possibly be racist when through myexpereience have found that many are just as racist as all the racist white folks they point fingers at.

seriously though taht newslady is tripping. she dug her own grav with that one becuase noone in her examples was dude getting racial at all. wow
regarding that second video. "we can agree to disagree..." what a dummy. so she disagrees with fact and logic? no wonder I never watch FAUXnews.
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