Grey Goose Pear & Tropicana Peach Orchard Punch Appreciation..Post your mix!!

Jan 5, 2008
Grey Goose Pear & Tropicana Peach Orchard Punch Appreciation.....Try this if you already haven't.......If mixed properly, you don't taste thevodka....

feel free to post any mixs you majke that have turned out great!!!
never been a fan of flavored vodka but i have been wanting to try Grey Goose Pear, and that Tropicana peach punch mix sounds good too.
I'm not gonna lie, I think Vodka is
, even flavored.

The only vodka i love is kettle one and belvie.
Jamaican over proof rum + Pepsi or Gatorade G berry OR Orange juice = an amazing Friday with the wifey
that is def good stuff, my dad has a jamaican friend and we get it by the case load, 6 bottles...Usually mix it with lemonade...that stuff will have yousleeping like a baby
i got that sh*t just layin around out hea b loll, my girl was bit*hin tho cuz she thought she was a thug tryna drink it straight up
Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

i got that sh*t just layin around out hea b loll, my girl was bit*hin tho cuz she thought she was a thug tryna drink it straight up

hahahahah that straight up = death
And if I'm mixing though (I'm always on a budget)



Don't taste the cheap vodka, add a splash of cranberry if you want (kinda girly but cheap) and it tastes better. Will have you %*$!*%% colors the nextmorning you didn't know existed though
Originally Posted by samness20

Originally Posted by REDd SPYDER

Originally Posted by SneakerPimp2k8

you talking about wrey&nephew^^^??

yea wray & nephew white overproof rum
wray & nephew be having me in another world yo
i just never understand
agreed..i think wray & nephew killed chuck norris...seriously
yea has anyone eva had malibu? i thought it was some weak sh*t cuz when i first tasted it & its name. it tasted like coconut and i ended up drinkin halfthe bottle dolo and next think i kno i feel like im stuck in da matrix...yo that sh*t had my body on some NEXT SH*t
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