Grocery sto': Do y'all talk to people?

c'mon man, did you not watch the Pickup Artist last night!?!?!? you can pick up plenty of cute females at the grocery store, just don't neg so much
Man, sometimes I regret how social I am sometimes. I remember when I first moved up here, I was in Carrs. Im standing in line behind this older dude. He lookedabout 45-50, dressed real flashy, dude had one of the shiniest shirts you'd ever see. Like The Rock or some *@*@ back when he used to be on Smackdown.

Anyways, Im standing in line looking at a magazine and he someway or another asked me what I thought about some girl that walked by. I laughed and was like,'yeah i'd pulverize that $*@'. Well, he was getting his *@*@ bagged and whatever, but even while I am getting my *@*@ rung up ; The guy is stilltalking to me. I was in a good mood and didn't want to come off rude.

Dude was in the middle of some story like: " Yeah so my +%*@$ was in the Porche! I called and was, '+%*@$ you in the porche!?'. She startedstutterin' and *@*@ so i knew the +%*@$ was lyin', ya see? So I was like, ' +%*@$ what's that sound!? You driving my *@*@ on thehighway!?'. The +%*@$ wanted to lie though, she was kepy on saying ' no daddy im not in the porche!'. So finally, I had to expose the +%*@$. So Iwas like, ' +%*@$, you lyin'! look up... look up right now, I see you. Im in the helicopter!"

After he said that I was dying, I think his name was Lamborgini Lue or somethin like that. He was a local pimp. I aint seen him in forever though.
Some of you go out of your way to ignore people? I find that odd.

co-sign. I always take the opportunity to say what's up/how's your day to the checkout people or anybody in the store that might help me while I'min there. The Whole Foods near me always has some fine broads working at checkout too.
i just keep to myself, i started on rocking my Ipod and sticking just one ear piece in my ear so i can hear tunes while still listening to other people. i hateit when little kids get to steer the cart and they always bump into me. from time to time i get people jokingly make fun of me cuz i get ALOT of food andjokingly let them know this just lasts for the weekend.
in the grocery store?

NO, i mean if somebody is in my aisle an we happen to meet eyes, ill smile or if they say hello ill say how you doing etc. but social in the grocery store? nah
I don't go out of my way to make conversation with the people there. I'll throw a "how ya doin?" every now and again. If someone engages aconversation, I'm game. Doesn't happen often though.
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