Groups Of Teens In Brooklyn Are Playing A Game Called 'Knock Out The Jew' - I Was Quoted In This Art

i used to read da deceptions used to do this back in da early 90's in da trains....guess everything eventually comes back.
Why do people dislike Jews so much?

I never understood the jokes on south park, or when my white friends clown the other white friend that's Jewish...

They'll be all "Jew!" And I looked at the Jewish guy like "is that an insult or...?"
Stereotypes: rich, conniving, liars, greedy, arrogant, they killed Jesus, etc
usury, and that goes back to da bible times....
Man every ethnicity has its scumbag populations. Let's not write racist essays about all Jews because a bunch of people in Brooklyn hurt your feelings. Judge people on an individual basis, not based on what ethnicity he or she is
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Never knew Ralph Lauren was a Jew....Jews are cool tho...I just know they only truly care for their own

I can't knock it...if blackd followed the same mold they'd actually have some pull in this country
Just saw a video of one of the attackers getting shot

These fools tried to knock out a guy waiting for his daughter at the bus stop, and ended up getting shot as a result

These Black kids :smh: :smh:

Just saw a video of one of the attackers getting shot

These fools tried to knock out a guy waiting for his daughter at the bus stop, and ended up getting shot as a result

These Black kids

is there a video of this?  seriously asking, not attacking you.  because white racist website have been pumping this as an incident for months and all claim to have seen tapes of it, but none of them post it up (you'd think it would help their propaganda machine for black mob violence being a legitimate threat) and i havent been able to find it searching on my own.

first google hit when you search for it (every other site is basically the same nonsense):
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heres the vid. its a news story, not raw footage.

the teen didnt even look like he cared all that much. just smiling and trying to justify it by saying they didnt rob him :smh:
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Yall are in here going ham. Do you know the amount of dumb **** little kids do? They don't deserve to be shot, end up in prison for 30 years or none of that other bull ****. They deserve a beat down and that's about it. And this game is not about knocking out jews, and not only black children play it. It's a middle school game, based off peer pressure
"Dumb ****" isn't targeting and knocking innocent people out.  Yes, they do deserve prison for 30 years or so if their way of having fun and dealing with boredom is knocking out, nearly killing and as an unintended result without remorse, killing innocent people. 

How would you like if this happened to you or, since they are such cowards and are hitting women as well, your wife, girlfriend, sister, etc...

I got no sympathy for any of these kids and if they happen to try it to the wrong person and worse case scenario occurs, so be it.
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"Dumb ****" isn't targeting and knocking innocent people out.  Yes, they do deserve prison for 30 years or so if their way of having fun and dealing with boredom is knocking out, nearly killing and as an unintended result without remorse, killing innocent people. 

How would you like if this happened to you or, since they are such cowards and are hitting women as well, your wife, girlfriend, sister, etc...

I got no sympathy for any of these kids and if they happen to try it to the wrong person and worse case scenario occurs, so be it.

Too many NTers are illiterate and uncultured. No idea what middle school Wade"187" went to where kids did this for fun. You have to be real @#$@$@ up in the head to be brutally attacking random strangers in the street for entertainment, and it's best to end these idiots' lives now before they take it to the next level. @#$%, if my parents found out I was doing something like this, they'd probably kill me themselves :lol:
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They deserve the book thrown at them and if the person they attack is strapped then he has every right to stand their ground in a legit way as opposed to the mockery zimmerman made of stand your ground.

Non violent charges, I'm against anyone getting excessive time on but these attacks are beyond cowardly and over the top. You hit someone on the head hard enough or if they fall the wrong way from the hit they could potentially get brain damage or die. That person they hit could be somebody's mother or father that could potentially be seriously hurt over someone's boredom and twisted definition of fun. Hell no, lock em up and make an example of them. A 17 year old getting 30 years for playing the knock em out game would make them thing twice if the potential punishment isn't worth the crime.
If people are angry about the jesus thing then they should dislike Romans as well.
Jews (especially Orthodox) go the lengths to protect their own. If it takes a Rabbi to spin it as "Knockout the Jew"/hate crime vibe to put an excessive level of awareness to this Knockout stupidity, I'm all for it.

No matter your race, you are an absolute idiot for participating in this "game".
Hood kids have been plying this game for ages. I remember dudes doing this **** back when I was in HS early to mid 00's.
It's just now that every kid has a video phone that it's making out to the public and of course any dumbed down version of news programming is going to report on this for shock value.
Yall are in here going ham. Do you know the amount of dumb **** little kids do? They don't deserve to be shot, end up in prison for 30 years or none of that other bull ****. They deserve a beat down and that's about it. And this game is not about knocking out jews, and not only black children play it. It's a middle school game, based off peer pressure

A beat down? For MURDER?

You can kill someone with a good punch in a real fight if they're expecting it. The chances of killing someone with a good punch when they're defenseless goes WAY UP. They might as well be shooting random people on the streets. These kids deserve much more than a beat down. I hope they're teaching these kids in schools that nothing about being knocked out is a game. It's something that's likely to KILL someone. These kids are probably too dumb to know that.

This isn't just dumb stuff. This isn't pranks or graffiti. It's killing random people for fun. They deserve to be jailed for life or killed for that sort of stuff. :smh: :smh: :smh:
^ ok ok tone it down.

it's not killing random people for fun because no one has died yet.  yes you can die from a punch, but statistically you're way more likely to kill someone by just buying a gun and keeping it in your home.

also most of these kids aren't gunning for women.  the one report where a woman was attacked happened in DC (a city known for it's violence) and the victim's not even sure it was kids playing the knockout game.  she was riding her bike when one of them ran up on her with a punch and she got away.

and another nter, i think it was @Nawzlew reported that video of the woman being punched in the back of the head wasnt even in the United States and i was able to confirm it was in europe.  in fact if you look at the top right corner of that gif you can see the date written out in the european format.

the problem with this type of reporting is now any time anything happens involving black teens it's gonna be "black teens were trying to knock me out as part of the game".

what's worse is it isnt even all black teens playing it, but thats whats being reported.

for the record, i learned what the game was in a suburb of new york, and was taught it by a 12 year old italian kid trying to convince a half white half puerto rican kid to sucker punch an older coincidentally hasidic guy (anywhere from 19-30.)
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For the record i 100% support the prosecution and juvenile or otherwise incarceration of everyone who participates in this.

but let's tone down the "they deserve to die" and "you must be illiterate and unschooled if you know people who play this" talk.

there's a lot of coded language not to mention the blatant anti-semitic and racist rhetoric in here.
^ ok ok tone it down.

it's not killing random people for fun because no one has died yet.  yes you can die from a punch, but statistically you're way more likely to kill someone by just buying a gun and keeping it in your home.

Original post:

In September, three teenagers were charged with the murder of a homeless man in Hoboken, New Jersey.

The boys, two 13-year-olds and a 14-year-old, allegedly followed Ralph Erick Santiago on a street in Hoboken before one teen threw a punch at the victim’s head, causing Santiago to fall back into an iron fence, lodging his neck between two bars, and eventually dying, The Daily News had reported."
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