Growing Hair Out

I swear my hair plateaus around 5 inches
When I was growing my hair out everyone said if you got your hair trimmed every once in a while it grows back faster. I never trimmed it but it probablydepends on how long you wanna go. I let it grow for like 8 months and had to get it cut. +%*% was driving me nuts
trimming your hair every few months is is good.. don't go crazy just enough to even it out...

i used mane and tail... and a hair mayonnaise concoction i make myself...
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

i heard about mane and tail, any side effects using it?
Used it a while back. I didn't think it worked. I heard it works better if you buy it from a pet store instead of from a beauty supply orwherever, so I'd say try and find a pet store around you that carries it. And no I'm not joking either.

Everytime I have long hair I wanna cut it, and then after I cut it I regret it.
just let it go nuts and forget about it, wear a hat everyday cuz its gonna look terrible.
i wouldnt say im growing it out...ive more stopped all types of hair maintenance other than washing it...i havent run a brush or comb through it in about amonth now and i havent shaved in just as just leaving it until i decide to do something with just sucks cause im in the beginning stages ofgoing bald so i can see it thinning time to get some vitamin D man and tail and rogaine
i'm growing my hair out right now. it has a while to go until it is the length i want it and right now i think it looks terrible. every day i debatewhether i should leave it or just drive down to the barbershop and get a #2 all around
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