Gunman kills self after 2 NYPD cops fatally shot ‘execution style’ as ‘revenge’ for Garner

why are you trying to diminish the issue though? i can do the same - the killing of cops are even less numerous than killings by cops

so what that it's a minority of the behavior that police display? it's still a problem that negatively affects a certain segment of the population in a disproportionate way

crooked, abusive police are a big problem. don't try to sweep it under the rug
Not diminishing the issue at all. As I previously posted I agree that it was wrong. But if we want real change we cant ONLY be outraged when its a cop killing a black man. Especially not while co-signing the ignorant mindframes (like gangs) that often times attract the unfair scutiny of cops to our communities, in the first place.
i mean... the two most recent cases of people being killed by cops has been heavily covered by the media

so i dont see how you can see you cant stand how this is covered then imply that if it was the other way around it wouldnt be covered 

the american media is trash and blows everything out of proportion 
so true my dude george carlin knew whats up ..dont trust the government or believe anything they tell you....
Here you go deflecting again. I'm talking about police and you're being an ignorant **** making up fake black names to bring up black on black crime. What about white on white crime? What about the Colorado massacre? What about columbine?


Where was your either racist or **** as at when the WHITE couple killed two cops in Las Vegas?

Where was all your hypothetical **** then? Like I said get the **** on cause you're not talking about ****. All you can do is deflect
Im not worried about white on white crime. Im concerned about the injustices that occur in our communities.
truth is truth. hard for you to swallow it is?
Oh yea one was asian...makes sense now

Hell I'll probably get banned for this post
Just stop posting and take a break...all you're doing over and over again is reinstating your bias view and pushing your opinion on people while reading their posts and skewing them toward what you want to hear 
I'm just happy someone took action. Im so tired of the sheep that walk around this world. If you really think that protesting peacefully will accomplish something then you are dreaming!
People will protest and then it will get swept under the rug like nothing happened. What's the point of protesting if no change is made? Just like #occupywallstreet
The dude is a nut no doubt. But I just wanted people to finally do something. The justice system is not serving justice letting cops get off and not holding them accountable when they make a mistake.
It baffles me how cops get away with straight up cold blooded murder. Even pretend cops get away with it RIP trayvon Martin.

What really irks me is us as a people. So many people just care about themselves. Where are the people that actually want to stand for something at? Where are the people that are actually giving everything their all? For every bunch there's a bad apple

Ask how fast the cops come out to a rich neighborhood when they dial 911 and I bet it won't take 1 hour for them to show up. Ask people who aren't minorities if they've ever been stopped and frisked! There is no denying it. If you've come from the slums, you know that cops abuse the system and treat us like crap. I've been fortunate enough to get out the hood, but trust me, I see the difference!

I just can't stand it when people act like police don't abuse their power. Especially towards minorities. Baffles me! Ignorance is bliss I suppose
Happy someone took action? You realize this type of action does more harm for the cause than good right? This type of action leads to martial law if it's carried out more frequently. Some of these posts man. If you want change, change the way you live and spend your money.
The mayor better not dare show his face at the funeral.
Hell, with his track record he probably would've shown up late anyway.
"Happy someone took action"


I'm just happy someone took action. Im so tired of the sheep that walk around this world. If you really think that protesting peacefully will accomplish something then you are dreaming!
People will protest and then it will get swept under the rug like nothing happened. What's the point of protesting if no change is made? Just like #occupywallstreet
The dude is a nut no doubt. But I just wanted people to finally do something. The justice system is not serving justice letting cops get off and not holding them accountable when they make a mistake.
It baffles me how cops get away with straight up cold blooded murder. Even pretend cops get away with it RIP trayvon Martin.

What really irks me is us as a people. So many people just care about themselves. Where are the people that actually want to stand for something at? Where are the people that are actually giving everything their all? For every bunch there's a bad apple

Ask how fast the cops come out to a rich neighborhood when they dial 911 and I bet it won't take 1 hour for them to show up. Ask people who aren't minorities if they've ever been stopped and frisked! There is no denying it. If you've come from the slums, you know that cops abuse the system and treat us like crap. I've been fortunate enough to get out the hood, but trust me, I see the difference!

I just can't stand it when people act like police don't abuse their power. Especially towards minorities. Baffles me! Ignorance is bliss I suppose

... what has ever come from peaceful protesting. cops dont give a f bout that ..... im sure this got they attention alot more then those peaceful protest.... cops probably laugh at the protest from "dumb " minoritys ,..... im sure they aint laughing at this......../
and now cops are even more likely to see a black person as a threat.. thank god this guy finally took action and killed those cops 

nothing good will happen from this idiots actions
Happy someone took action? You realize this type of action does more harm for the cause than good right? This type of action leads to martial law if it's carried out more frequently. Some of these posts man. If you want change, change the way you live and spend your money.

What? Change the way I live and spend my money? What does that have to do with anything.
My point is that someone had to do something. It's sad but it's the truth. Protesting police brutality peacefully was not going to do anything. It's been protested before and it what has been the outcome? What change has that brought? Did we just not see two cops walk away from murdering people? One videotaped?
The system only cares about money. If enough people boycott spending it on stuff that's not needed for survival your words will be heard.
You really think killing cops is going to achieve something? All it's going to do is have the national guard brought in and get your *** thrown in a FEMA camp. Have fun with that. You wanna make a difference, use your money wisely and protest peacefully.
Happy someone took action? You realize this type of action does more harm for the cause than good right? This type of action leads to martial law if it's carried out more frequently. Some of these posts man. If you want change, change the way you live and spend your money.
What? Change the way I live and spend my money? What does that have to do with anything.
My point is that someone had to do something. It's sad but it's the truth. Protesting police brutality peacefully was not going to do anything. It's been protested before and it what has been the outcome? What change has that brought? Did we just not see two cops walk away from murdering people? One videotaped?
if protesting does not do anything then what does killing two cops do?

what change will this bring?

only thing thats changed is three less people are living in the world today
and now cops are even more likely to see a black person as a threat.. thank god this guy finally took action and killed those cops 

Don't be surprised if stop and frisk or something similar is reinstated shortly
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Happy someone took action? You realize this type of action does more harm for the cause than good right? This type of action leads to martial law if it's carried out more frequently. Some of these posts man. If you want change, change the way you live and spend your money.

What? Change the way I live and spend my money? What does that have to do with anything.
My point is that someone had to do something. It's sad but it's the truth. Protesting police brutality peacefully was not going to do anything. It's been protested before and it what has been the outcome? What change has that brought? Did we just not see two cops walk away from murdering people? One videotaped?

Can you please shed some light on how non-peaceful protest to include senseless murders like this one will change things now? How will we as a community receive fair and equal treatment after what happened today?
if protesting does not do anything then what does killing two cops do?

what change will this bring?

only thing thats changed is three less people are living in the world today

Really? Cause it looks to me like everyone just said oh **** just got real

I don't think you guys understand me. I'm saying it's good someone took some type of action. Am I agreeing that this is the right way to do it? No. But someone finally did something
I'm just happy someone took action. Im so tired of the sheep that walk around this world. If you really think that protesting peacefully will accomplish something then you are dreaming!
People will protest and then it will get swept under the rug like nothing happened. What's the point of protesting if no change is made? Just like #occupywallstreet
The dude is a nut no doubt. But I just wanted people to finally do something. The justice system is not serving justice letting cops get off and not holding them accountable when they make a mistake.
It baffles me how cops get away with straight up cold blooded murder. Even pretend cops get away with it RIP trayvon Martin.

What really irks me is us as a people. So many people just care about themselves. Where are the people that actually want to stand for something at? Where are the people that are actually giving everything their all? For every bunch there's a bad apple

Ask how fast the cops come out to a rich neighborhood when they dial 911 and I bet it won't take 1 hour for them to show up. Ask people who aren't minorities if they've ever been stopped and frisked! There is no denying it. If you've come from the slums, you know that cops abuse the system and treat us like crap. I've been fortunate enough to get out the hood, but trust me, I see the difference!

I just can't stand it when people act like police don't abuse their power. Especially towards minorities. Baffles me! Ignorance is bliss I suppose

Said perfectly. The minorities are taken advantage of all the time in the hood. Im 22 now but iv'e had plenty of cops talk down to me and treat me like s*** when I was younger. Psh even now -__-
if protesting does not do anything then what does killing two cops do?

what change will this bring?

only thing thats changed is three less people are living in the world today

Really? Cause it looks to me like everyone just said oh **** just got real

I don't think you guys understand me. I'm saying it's good someone took some type of action. Am I agreeing that this is the right way to do it? No. But someone finally did something

Well it is unfortunate because the worst type of action was taken today. It will only make law enforcement officers more wary about those who cross their paths and they have every right to. They will profile harder now and they have every right to. What that man did today was not was nothing... and that nothing will make everything worse going forward.
Well it is unfortunate because the worst type of action was taken today. It will only make law enforcement officers more wary about those who cross their paths and they have every right to. They will profile harder now and they have every right to. What that man did today was not was nothing... and that nothing will make everything worse going forward.

But you know what? None of this would have happened if they had corrected the problem when it first began
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