Gym Question: Which muscles to workout together in a 3 day split?

Jan 16, 2006
Sup guys, been on my gym flow again after a 3 month hiatus (

This time im really trying to work all my muscle groups, not neglect a muscle group, and work different splits. Last time, I would do something like:
Legs (not consistent)
Chest Tricep

All on different days, horrible I know but I built strength up well. I didn't focus enough on legs, but now I really want to make my legs stronger forbasketball mainly. Also never really did abs, but now I do them every other day.

Would this split be better? By no means is it perfect, but for me it may just work.
Abs would be everyother day paired with whatever workout im doing that day.

I know what workouts to do, and I do them well and under control and all that, its just the splits of which muscle groups to work with what that Ive always hadtrouble with. I also do cardio after my workouts, generally just about 20 minutes.



Also pushups pre/post workouts I know are good, but is it ok to do a significant amount of pushups everyday, including rest days? Also abs are ok to do everyother day? I know they are just like any other muscle group, but I feel my abs recover quickly.
Depends on what your goals are really. I'm messing with 3-4 days a week of total body. I used to have one "leg" day per week but found that Icouldnt walk for about 2 days after each one which I didnt like because I'm fairly active. So im always looking to stay cut up and also active and work thetotal body circuit for about 5 weeks on. I keep pretty good size doing this in the AM and watching my diet.
Main goals is to tone up and lose fat. Im not looking to get way bigger, just a little size and definition so when I lose the weight with cardio, I wont bestick and bones and I'll have muscle to show.

When I do my workouts I aim for 6-8 reps to give you an idea of what im working with.
Would this split be better? By no means is it perfect, but for me it may just work.
Abs would be everyother day paired with whatever workout im doing that day.

Youre going to be SPENT after a chest/legs split. Assuming you do enough exercises for both (~ 4) youre looking at a high intensity, high volume workout onthat day. (Also, forget doing abs on this day)

The Shoulders/Tri/Trap one would be an easy day per say.

Heres an idea of what the most typical splits are: (Ill abbreviate.. Its Chest, Tri, Legs, Back, Bi.... Traps are done on shoulder or back day.. depending)

1. CT : LS : BBi
2. CBa : LS : BiT
3. CS : LBi : BT

The first split is typically the most common one used.
Also pushups pre/post workouts I know are good, but is it ok to do a significant amount of pushups everyday, including rest days? Also abs are ok to do every other day? I know they are just like any other muscle group, but I feel my abs recover quickly
What do you mean by significant? 50? 100? I wouldnt do a lot, but a small number (10-30) each day should be enough. Anymore and youre justnot developing your chest muscles.

Abs are alight every other day as long as you dont go hardcore each of those days.

mix it around. i do push exercise one day and pull exercise the next. do legs by itself. i try and do the major parts by itself so you can really go hard onthem. if you mix chest and tris, for example, you cant go all out on chest because you want to save energy/strength for tris. get it? to me i try and focus abody part a day. just me.
oh by the way, dont forget about your diet. its the hardest thing. harder than all your workouts. you said you want to lose fat so diet is THE key.
I didnt read what anyone else said but when I was going to the gym, I was going every other day, sometimes twice a day.
I would do
chest/back then biceps/triceps and I would do sit-ups in between each set, or use the ab machine with weights.
then later on in the day I would do legs with a little arms and abs. I dont know if thats a good routine but I felt like I got good results from doing that.
if i were to split my workouts across 3 days it would most likely be something like this
day 1: chest/triceps
day 2: back/biceps
day 3: legs/shoulders

the reason behind this would be, the first two days workout synergistic muscles, i.e. after getting done with your chest workout, your triceps have alreadybeen worked out a little bit since benching works out your tri's as a secondary muscle. once you move onto doing your triceps, they're going to besomewhat fatigued and worked out, therefore you can lessen the time spent on them. Each day is set up to work out a major muscle group with a smaller musclegroup, so not much time is wasted on resting.
^ Pylometrics might work for you.

I did my 3 day split, only one thing though is that my triceps are a little sore after my chest day, so its not 100%. I woudnt want to do chest/triceps on ashoulder day, thats too much.
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