Hahahah - Man Looking @ NBADraft.Net's Comparisons Is TOO Funny

yo at the time omar cook (when he played at st johns) did resemble kidd. that wasn't too crazy of a comparison at the time
Josh Smith- [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]NBA Comparison: Vince Carter (with heart)

Pau Gasol-
[/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]NBA Comparison: Toni Kukoc
Kobe's got his Kukoc....

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
Some questionable ones:
Josh Childress- Reggie Miller
Boris Diaw- Bruce Bowen
Qyntel Woods- TMac
Nene- Hakeem
You guys know that they arent saying they are going to turn out like them. They are just saying that they play like them.

Some are completely laughable, but some are on point. Just because they compare them to NBA greats doesnt mean they are going to be an NBA great. Its juststyle of play that they are comparing to.

But I do agree, anybody compared to [Steven A Smith] Kwa-ma Brown [/Steven A Smith] is a slap in the face.
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