Hair o' the dog appreciation post VOL. its beer: o'clock somewhere!

Feb 26, 2006
Pickled my liver last night (Jameson)
Woke up this morning useless...2 pints later and i was actually able to make it in to work
3 pints after that and here I am, feelin'

yeah its only 3pm, yeah im at work, yeah im starting useless topics, but lord have mercy a hangover = my body needs more booze!
Pickled my liver last night (Jameson)
Woke up this morning useless...2 pints later and i was actually able to make it in to work
3 pints after that and here I am, feelin'

yeah its only 3pm, yeah im at work, yeah im starting useless topics, but lord have mercy a hangover = my body needs more booze!
budweiser, fantastic nt name!^ my google voice is 779 BEER,
drinking bud right now...tall cans are only a dollar at my corner store FTW
budweiser, fantastic nt name!^ my google voice is 779 BEER,
drinking bud right now...tall cans are only a dollar at my corner store FTW
never tried it, but that's mainly because when I'm hungover and I have something to do the next day, being drunk would only make it worse.
never tried it, but that's mainly because when I'm hungover and I have something to do the next day, being drunk would only make it worse.
Originally Posted by damn its me

budweiser, fantastic nt name!^ my google voice is 779 BEER,
drinking bud right now...tall cans are only a dollar at my corner store FTW

Yeah, the Bud, Coors Light, and Coors Original, used to be 99 cents for a tallboy around me, but now they offer Keystone and Busch at that price. Not my steeze, post college.
Originally Posted by damn its me

budweiser, fantastic nt name!^ my google voice is 779 BEER,
drinking bud right now...tall cans are only a dollar at my corner store FTW

Yeah, the Bud, Coors Light, and Coors Original, used to be 99 cents for a tallboy around me, but now they offer Keystone and Busch at that price. Not my steeze, post college.
Originally Posted by solesavage

Bragging about drinking Budweiser is not post worthy.

Or.... you could drink a couple glasses of water before passing out. You wake up feeling wonderous.

Originally Posted by solesavage

Bragging about drinking Budweiser is not post worthy.

Or.... you could drink a couple glasses of water before passing out. You wake up feeling wonderous.

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