Half-ton mom

SMH at the dude who impregnated this lady.
Originally Posted by ebayologist

The only medical procedure they should perform is a lobotomy. Even if you have a medical condition that leaves you predisposed to gain weight or something along those lines I have absolutely no sympathy for someone who lets themselves go to the point of 900lbs. Obese people are a real burden to society from health care cost, to lack of productivity.
%#%#@!# scum of the earth.

A little harsh don't you think? I don't see how you guys can not feel empathy for this lady. It's true that we make choices, but what you like tobe condemned for every mistake you made? The people you should feel sorriest for are the children-they no longer have a mother. RIP.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Damn, feel bad for her kids, prolly always get hit with the "yo momma so fat..." jokes.

Let me get this out of the way

Secondly, RIP.
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