Halloween Co.Jp Dunk ??

Sep 6, 2002
I have a pair of co.jp halloween dunks that are kind of yellowed on the flourescent white (toe box, side panels, back heel) and I was wondering if there is anyway to maybe make it not so yellow? I figured there isnt, but its worth a try, right? And I dont want to send them anywhere, i prefer it if there is something I can apply or do myself. E-mail me at [email protected] or you can just reply to this post, thanks!
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Two Loves: Hicks & Kicks
Paint white over the off-white?
Zealot - Dark Templar - High Templar - Twilight Archon - Colossus - Stalker - Immortal
Observer - Phase Prism - Stasis Orb - Phoenix - Warp Ray - Carrier - Mothership
Cant really do that because its like a fluorescent white, so the material is different...i was thinking there was maybe something I could apply maybe? I know it is a longshot, but thought id try...
You'll never work well with our group, not with the faults we found
So we fixed you with cement golashes and no one can save you now
Two Loves: Hicks & Kicks
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