%@@+ HANGOVERS edit: I had to gut it out at work today, still not over it.

Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

now I can safely say I won't be drinking again.

smoke a blunt and drink some gatorade water... you'll be good in no time

it works miracles man.  afta
headache goes away instantly, nausea goes away, appetite goes up, etc.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

If you eat PHO, after a night of heavy drinking, you will have no hangover, period.
Weed and pho is a tried and true hangover cure.
If you eat something before you go to sleep, and drink a thing of water you'll wake up fine.

When I'm hungover I drink a liter of water, take a few motrin and go to the gym to sweat it out. Cold shower when I get home and I feel like a new man

If you don't wanna sweat it out or anything...brushing your teeth and taking a shower are the two biggest things you NEED to do first thing when you wake up
Originally Posted by jumpman247

If you eat PHO, after a night of heavy drinking, you will have no hangover, period.
I must try this.  Pho is good as hell, and this is not the first time I've heard that it cures hangovers.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wasted is not a good look at all
truth...but i always seem to end up there

hangovers make you not want to drink for maybe 2 days, then you're back at it...at least with me.
I'm in the same boat.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by s0leFUNK

Wasted is not a good look at all
truth...but i always seem to end up there

hangovers make you not want to drink for maybe 2 days, then you're back at it...at least with me.
that 'clear got at you, ha?

solemnly do i drink enough to get hangovers. but when i do, they're bad.

i'm either perfectly fine, or I'm absolutely useless for the rest of the day. There's no inbetween.
I've only had a hangover once from drinking too much Jim Beam
now it's strictly Jager and Jack
haven't had a hangover in a year. (Some middle of the night bathroom trips but nothing more)
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