Originally Posted by Hen Lin 32

dat kayke look gud.


Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko


edit: They must have forgotten the red food coloring for the Xbox cakes
I see what you did there ...


HBD lil _ .
From the grave of the most famous Kliq member, and only Kliq member to have his name Googled more times than To Kill a Mockingbird cliffnotes, NinongBrown. RIP

So let's begin with Mike's origin tale...

It all began in Los Angeles, twenty something odd years ago. No one really knows when Boost was born because he never tells anyone, and black people just don't age, seems to stay fresh all the time, but we do know he can legally buy alcohol, so somewhere in the ballpark of 21 to 75 yrs old. Boost grew up in a nice home, dusty room with a 12 inch widescreen, 180p television in his home. He was a smart kid, but being a young, black teen in the streets of L.A., the odds were against him. It wasn't long until he met some very dangerous individuals. These individuals were a large boy with a jerri curl named Ice Square, another named Cees Gooding Jr., and an all American athlete named Ricky. It wasn't long until Boost was caught up into some trouble. He went to a street gathering with his new friends and accidentally bumped into a red rag wearing young man with a mean disposition. Of course, pride on the line, they exchanged words with each other until Ice Square came in with a pistol on his waist signifying that he "will bust a cap on a fool." Beaten, the red rag wearing young man leaves, but suddenly opens fire into the air with a Mac-10 SMG to show his prowess. Scared, they all jump into Ice Square's lowrider, but Boost wasn't able to jump on from the bouncing of the car caused by the hydraulic suspension and fell off and scraped his beautiful eyebrows. This is the moment Boost swore never to buy any car unless it was made by an Asian and looked like an extra to the Fast and the Furious franchise.

The next day, Cees Gooding Jr., Ricky, and Boost head to the convenient store to get some du-rags, brushes, eggs, and mayo for their hair. Upon returning home, they were greeted by that same red rag wearing young man and a couple of his companions in a car. At first sight, all three run for their lives. A shotgun appears out of the car and fires at Boost, but hits Ricky instead. Hit, Ricky falls to the ground with the eggs he was carrying. Boost turns back and thinks whether he should go back for Ricky or the eggs? He runs instantaneously towards the eggs with tears streaming down his face as Ricky watches in amazement. This was the start of Boost self-proclaiming himself the "Wavy King", he would sacrifice one of his friends for his hair. They carried Ricky's bloodied, lifeless body and rested it on his mother's plastic covered furniture. The next week, the funeral was held, and of course, Boost came proper with his wave game, though crying for the loss of Ricky, his waves were magnificent. With the heat up and the chances of Boost dying next, he left the west for the city of NY.

NY was a cold and bitter place, so cold that Boost had brought 5 gallons of Cocoa butter with him to keep from being ashy. Though he was miles away, threats were all around. So he decided to get a place in Chinatown where he could blend in with the crowds. Boost worked at a video game shop, and he became known by the locales for his die-hard love for Sony consoles and games. He would argue with children and other lame adults like him. Without knowing though, Boost would meet our very own NinongBrown. Boost would never know what NB looked like, mainly because he started rocking a yellow rag claiming he was a Latin King even though he was Asian. NB was a frequent customer at the shop. One faithful day, a group of gentlemen rushed the doors of the shop. There were seven black males, all at least 6'10'' and 250 lbs of pure, hardened, jail raping muscle. They formed a circle around one individual, their leader, the infamous Max B aka Biggaveli. He intended to kill Boost, since he heard that there was a wavier person in NY other than he. At that moment, Boost screamed like a girl, NB noticing Boost cowhering in fear, does sweet karate moves on Max B's companions. With them being disposed by NB, Boost springs into action and fights Max B himself.

One on one, Boost versus Max B, in a duel to the death, using only their hair brushes. Max B quickly takes control. With his bristles near Boost's flawless, feminine eyebrows, Boost remembers what he had in his pocket and grabs for it. He quickly smears some carrot creme on Max B's eyes. In pain and blinded, Max B runs out of the shop to be later hit by a car driven by Jim Jones. With Max B dead, and his men unconscious, Boost and NB flee the scene. Later, they exchange information and part ways. Boost, not knowing where to go now because surely Max B's people will hunt him down, suddenly remembers Ricky's last dream, to join the US Army. So Boost signs up and gets shipped to the Middle East.

He is stationed in Mahkalalahamus Moomar Hala Hala army base. That's when he meets Chris, theprocessofbelief, an ex-Canadian patriot now in the US Army to serve as a sniper. They become quick friends seeing as they are one of the best sniper teams around and they share the love of Final Fantasy and all of it's homosexual imagery and gender ambiguous characters. While scoping out the land, Boost becomes quickly fond of the women there. His taste for Middle Eastern women, Desi women as well, grows and become insatiable. He chases after them, disappointing all of their parents once he meets them. There were many a time where Boost would put Chris's life in danger chasing these women in desert. After a few years in combat missions, the two friends part, but swear to meet in the virtual combat zone via COD4.

Boost is shipped back to America. Word came to him that the red rag wearing young man died at the hands of an unidentified individual while eating hamburgers. Boost decides to come back to California. He takes a flight to Las Vegas and walks all the way back to California Diddy boppin' while singing the hook to Going Back to Cali by Notorious BIG. With no options left, he decides to drift race for no apparent reason to make money. He believes all the hours he spent playing Gran Turismo has taught him the finer points of racing. His first race was against an Egyptian driver named Mo, momoney848, from VA driving a beat up '91 Corolla. Easily beaten, Mo takes his helmet off and tries to shake hands with Boost. Boost takes his helmet off and surprises Mo because he thought Boost was Asian all along. The laugh, they hug, and they hug some more before they part ways, sworn to meet again somewhere.

As time went, Boost found NT, made his SN, and then made the PS3 thread. The Kliq was formed, NB and Boost had a race war, Kliq broke up, and got together again. N T K L was made and he became one of the admins. All the while he is constantly being mistaken for being Asian, though the tests haven't come back yet. Months later, he gets suspended and here we are now...

[NOTE: Anything that resembles plot points from Boyz in the Hood is purely coincidental. Max B was hurt during the telling of this storry]

HBD Boost, have a good one, stay wavy.
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