Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr.!


Staff member
Aug 2, 2011
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to the man, Martin Luther King Jr.!

He would be 85 today.



Some of my personal favorite quotes from MLK Jr.
If you can’t fly then run,

if you can’t run then walk,

if you can’t walk then crawl,

but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
The time is always right to do what is right.
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.​
I love the message...:smokin

Plus he was human, loved the ladies...:pimp:

When the FBI releases those tapes ....I think it's 2027...might have to double check that, but I bet they'll make an issue with the federal holiday.

MLK and Malcolm are two of my favorite people ever...the courage they showed in the turbulent 60s.:pimp:
Sometimes I feel like this dude died for nothing. :smh:


He died so you know how far to go in this system...

Right when dudes started reaching mass consciousness he along with JFK and Malcolm were murdered to serve as an example.

How come Jesse came as the predecessor but his message was so watered down?
my favorite MLK speech..

dude was legit.. had me in tears when i first seen this... made me want to run through a wall for the black community...

Big homie who cheated on his wife but was never judged. 

But seriously leaders from the civil rights era were mad brave. We can't get people to organize now and they made it happen under worse conditions. 

All the party flyers really disgust me also, they aren't even funny. 
Happy birthday to this man. I often think of him and what he went through when I have my miniscule mediocre problems in my life.

I look up to him because he never took the easy road, and that to me is so inspiring.

Always makes me sad to think this man should still be alive If not for some idiots. Who knows what he would of became....
^ EDIT: Maaaaan, there are tons of hilarious shops/captions of that pic floatin' around :lol: ...

Honestly, the older I get the more appreciation I have for his nonviolent approach - just from a standpoint of restraint and self control, I imagine how challenging that must have been...
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Malcolm X was the greatest Civil Rights leader of all time. He should have his own holiday.
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He died so you know how far to go in this system...

Right when dudes started reaching mass consciousness he along with JFK and Malcolm were murdered to serve as an example.

How come Jesse came as the predecessor but his message was so watered down?

I think you mean successor. But there's some people who believe that Jesse was actually involved in setting MLK up for the assassination.
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