Has anyone ever dealt with depression

Jan 17, 2009
My aunt who I am very close with is suffering from deep depression. She has been single for over 15 years and her only son graduated medical
school 2 years ago and  moved to Spain. The depression really started after her son left, she used to be very active. She has money, she used to travel the world, go out, throw parties. Now all she does is stay in the house, she does not even cook anymore which used to be her favorite hobby. I live in the same city as her, but not close enough to visit her everyday especially with school. I would move in with her but I dont have a car and it would be more difficult to get to and from school each day. Any advice would help.
Just continue to be there for her, have she seen a psychologist? Talking to a impartial stranger often is good
Im "depressed". I'm a normally functioning adult. I go to work, hang out, but I prefer to stay in and I sleep a lot. I lost my mom when I was 27 and haven't fully accepted that fact so I keep it all bottled in, which isn't healthy, but it works for me.
Originally Posted by luxurious24

Just continue to be there for her, have she seen a psychologist? Talking to a impartial stranger often is good

She has started and is taking medicine.
You said she has money, tell her to buy you a car and she will have a new roomie ( or replacement kid). Then you need to introduce her to the internet and get her some dates, she needs someone to spend her time with other than family.
I use to very depressed, suicidal and all that. Long story short I am not anymore.

Best thing you can do is send her love. Call her, stay on positive subjects.

It is all about our thoughts. We create our own reality from them.

At first it may seem hard trying to stay positive thats because our brain feeds of off neuropeptides.

Neuropeptides is essentially food for our brain made from the emotions from our heart.

Our brain gets addicted to the emotions we produce so when we try to suddenly be "happy"

our brain wants its old food back and introduces back those negative emotions.
It is a process and there are many factors that go into coming out of depression.

Medicine will not help. Just hides the problem not solve it.

It is really all in the mind. Just know that she is in the exact place she is meant to be

and that it is a learning experience for her.

Thank you so much for making this thread just the thought of you wanting to help her is enough.
Originally Posted by BrotherForReal

Im "depressed". I'm a normally functioning adult. I go to work, hang out, but I prefer to stay in and I sleep a lot. I lost my mom when I was 27 and haven't fully accepted that fact so I keep it all bottled in, which isn't healthy, but it works for me.


i deal with depression and have been on celexa for a month now and it has done wonders with no side effects, also make sure to just be surounded by good family, and friends with positive thoughts.
I am and have been for as long as I can remember (for the past 7 or 8 years, I'm 21)

It's been like on and off. I was good in the summer, but now I feel like I'm almost at rock bottom. I think about death all the time, and if I were to kill myself, I know exactly how I would do it.

The best thing that you can do for your aunt is to be there and show her that you love and care for her well-being. Here her out from time to time, and just spend time with her and show her some good times. With that and maybe some therapy, she'll be back to her old self. The last thing you want to do is just abandon someone with depression. I understand that being around someone who is depressed can be taxing on your own well being, but I think you being there for her will help her out a TON.

Originally Posted by DJMano34

Our brain gets addicted to the emotions we produce so when we try to suddenly be "happy"

our brain wants its old food back and introduces back those negative emotions.

I know this feeling all too well
i suffered from that and PTSD.

it took years before i realized that i had it. it was never too bad but i had my moments.

i did horrible in school and in my personal life.

God looked out and helped me get out without any meds or therapy, albeit it took me longer.

i backslide sometimes, but its hard to re-wire the brain.

my environment was a big variable to how long and how bad it got.

please be sure to not impede too much on her, however great your gestures may be. don't want to make her feel like shes a spectacle or something.

its awesome that you care about her.
when im down, i watch this video.

been a while though. sadness is relative. its just an accumulation of things. shes much older so theres a bunch of stuff that i can speak for. and everyone is wired diffrently so if one person can shake it off doesnt mean the next person can. keep doing what you think helps, cause little things matter. but watch out, she might get more depressed if she notices she has the bare minimum after a while. almost as bad as having nothing.
It seemed like she had all her worth in her son, so when he left she felt worthless or something.
She needs a partner, man. How old is she?? I don't agree with all that prescribed medicine TBH.
Visit her often. try to introduce her to new hobbies, music, maybe. Tell her son (your cousin?) to call her frequently.
I think its great that you care for her and are willing to try to make her life better. A lot of people would just probably walk away. You just being there for her is great.
If she has money like you say she does i think it would be great if she traveled. Just being in a different environment and seeing different people can help. She needs to get out. Being home doing nothing will only make it worse. She has to try her best to look at the positive. I mean having you in her life should be enough to motivate her. Good Luck with everything.
I know a bipolar person...she recently went through hella much (back surgery like 2 years ago, kidney infections, hard to deal with money when she had to take a leave of absence because of the health problems. missed school because of health problems. constant fighting with the family, even if she is in the right/wrong it's just pretty constant). and she's only 20 years old.

I try to be there as much as I can, and when all these problems hit her she definitely hit rock bottom. oh, she's anemic and insomniac too so she has horrible trouble sleeping too but she stays in bed most of the day. I recently started taking her out for walks when she would finally listen to me, and it's amazing what catching a little sun light can do for you. I read an article last week sayin that Vitamin D does help...it's no cure for depression, but the stats said that those with low vitamin d levels were more likely to be depressed.

After seeing her go through her rough times, the only thing you can do is be there as much as you can and TRY to get her to do things..there's only so much you can do as a supporter but you have to constantly give the effort and never lose hope. Movies/TV series to get the mind off things helps too.

Good luck with that fam. Let me know if I can help any.
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