Has anyone ever purchased a research essay/term paper?

Sorry, g. Long day the the "office" (AKA, I still have school for another three weeks).
its all good . i know how that
Originally Posted by DSK aka iLLoQuent

Originally Posted by Sha77er S7ar I

I used to write papers formy high school like 6-7 years ago. everyone either got A's/B's. i think i did like 15 or so papers for $25 each every semester lol some dude snitched me out coz he got a C after he decided to add his 'creativity' to it. that dummy got me caught.

my parents came to the deans office and i got suspended for a week, mind you this is a private college prep HS. i aint saying im a genius or anything but if you gotta talent, use it...i did some college term papers, but that was just for females and the criteria is tougher then (english majors)

aw HELL no.

i woulda whooped that @*%%*'s @$+ for pulling off something like that...
once everyone heard that their source to a paper (me) was threatened, he definitely got his.
Don't do it college unless you are paying someone to write a custom paper for you.

If its from a website or something, your screwed. There are soo many websites that professors use to cross-check papers, its crazy.

You don't even need to use the websites, just copy and paste sentences from the bought essays onto google and see yourself get exposed, sent to the Dean ofStudents, given a 0 in the class if you're lucky...otherwise...its the axe.

Academic Dishonesty FTL.....i need to make a FAIL pic out of this.
Naw, no turnitin.com.

And I should be good...Word to paragraphs that are one page long (double spaced)

but actually I WAS referring to papers you buy online off sites..just wondering if anyone had that experience, ha
turnitin.com is not you're friend.

edit* no turnitin.com? what class is the paper for?
just find someone who has had that class before and scan their paper for ideas.
Originally Posted by Golden Oozaru Gr8 Ape

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by Prez T

damn this late ? you're in college right ? Cali schools FTL

%$*% does that mean? Yeah, I'm sure all the kids are SO studious on the East Coast.

Dude does go to Wash U. In STL... speaks for itself. and prez your color is too close to my color of the month.

Man, both of you guys are too close to my color of [color= rgb(255, 255, 0)]the month[/color] Forever

But as for buying term papers idk about all that, i think i would be too scared of getting caughtand kicked out of school to risk it
Naw, no turnitin.com.

And I should be good...Word to paragraphs that are one page long (double spaced)

but actually I WAS referring to papers you buy online off sites..just wondering if anyone had that experience, ha
As stated already, do NOT purchase papers online. Again, as stated before, professors have programs they can use to find your purchased paperonline from the program you bought it from. Heck, even if you didn't buy it and you just copied a bunch of crap online and pasted it, they can find that,too.

To avoid helping you cheat by producing and handing in work that isn't your own...

#1. Move your margins in 2 notches on the left and right margins, as well as the top and bottom margins. You know how they have the notched for 1/8th, 1/4th,and so on? Move your margins in 1/4 of an inch (2 notches) on the left margin, the right margin, the top margin, and the bottom margin.

#2. Do you know the 'period trick'? If so, do it. If not, ask and I'll tell you (since I got it off NikeTalk

#3. Do the period trick with commas

#4. Expand your text. How?
A) Highlight your ENTIRE paper.
B) Right click anywhere on the paper, and select 'Font'.
C) In the font window that comes up, there should be two tabs: 'Font', and 'Character Spacing'. Click the 'Character Spacing' tab.
D) Set your character spacing to 'Expanded', and make sure the next thing is set to '1 pt.' (so you have 'Expanded' and 'By: 1pt'.
E) Click 'OK' at the bottom.
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