Has anyone here opted to NOT attend their graduation ceremonies? Vol. Why?

depends on the ceremony. when my brother graduated college he got the Governor Generals award and didnt bother showing up to his grad
I wish I had supportive parents like that.

My mom told me how important it was for her to be with my family to see my graduate, so she explained the significance of it for herself and my family.

I never thought about NOT going, it didn't even cross my mind.

The satisfaction of talking to my favorite teachers, and them telling me how proud they were and recalling fond memories with friends and teachers wasdefinitely worth it.

Plus the feeling of hearing your name called, and walking across the stage and having my friends yell my name and get my diploma was worth it.

The moment definitely passed me by too quickly though, I wished I took more of it in.
Seriously, compare the cost of a cap and gown to the cost of college.

Anyone who uses cost as a reason to not walk has to put things into perspective.

Not to mention that people sell used cap and gowns all the time and they're basically the same condition for a much cheaper price.
Originally Posted by shoecrazy77

first glance your avy,stringerbell32,looked like a guy with a hat fingering a girl standing up....Im sick.
And ya i haven't graduated yet,so i don't know...but i will go to the ceremony,i think.


That was unexpected
I'm contemplating not going to my master's ceremony., but my friends & family will probably kill me if i don't.
Graduating college isn't the same as high school. In high school, you go through 4 years with the same people. I knew at least 95% of my class. College isdifferent since people go at their own pace. I probably only knew 5% of the people. Some of the people I started college graduated a year before I did, and therest have a long way to go. I don't feel like sitting through 2 hours of speeches with people I barely know.
I'm going to miss my bachelors one in april cos ill be on holidays in thailand/hk ... but i personally don't see what the big deal is, i wouldnt reallywant to go.

However, I do understand its more for the family/parents than yourself, so I hired the academic dress n took some photos with them last week ...
Originally Posted by RetroChik

Graduating college isn't the same as high school. In high school, you go through 4 years with the same people. I knew at least 95% of my class. College is different since people go at their own pace. I probably only knew 5% of the people. Some of the people I started college graduated a year before I did, and the rest have a long way to go. I don't feel like sitting through 2 hours of speeches with people I barely know.
Yeh, thats the same for me too, I went at my own pace, graduated about 1.5 years behind for a 4 year degree ... and know very little ppl in mygraduating year .. maybe less than 10 ppl. The thought of sitting through the 3 hour ceremony with strangers in a hot and uncomfortable dress irks me ..luckily i got an excuse
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