Has Derrick Rose lost YOUR respect? SRS

Not at all... The mental aspect of an injury is a HUGE part of recovery, it isn't just about the physical aspect. If he isn't mentally ready, there is no reason to go out there & increase his chances of getting hurt again & risking his future. From a Chicago team standpoint, they've made it this far throughout the season & playoffs without him, they might as well grind it out with what got them this far. If he comes back, you're not only throwing him into the fire during the most intense part of the season (he goes from pregame individual warmups to playing the best team in the league), but you also have to worry about getting in game shape & chemistry issues. All things considered I don't see a problem with him sitting out & waiting until he's ready.
Respect... no.

Appreciation... yes. I just can't imagine many (if any) of the all-time great players not WANTING to come back as soon as possible after being cleared.

Simple as that.
Yall are funny.

Dude will come back when he is ready. Who am I to say he should be back because someone else came back HE should have come back already.

No. He isn't losing any respect/
boy he looks athletic there....
Respect... no.

Appreciation... yes. I just can't imagine many (if any) of the all-time great players not WANTING to come back as soon as possible after being cleared.

Simple as that.

That's my thing. Hell at least give it a shot if you don't feel right shut it down.
Should have just said he was shutting it down for the season. Iman Shumpert was injured around the same time and he's out there balling
^ lol @" landed".His left leg got up as high as gasol gets up to dunk or board tho!
If he's medically cleared to resume play, and he's saying "it's all mental", then he needs to tell the media that he's too ***** to play out the season since he's mentally weak.
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serious question.

Dude is a damn good player, thought he was different from others but with all these injuries on his team and hes been cleared to play for months and he wont return. He has def lost all the respect i had for him.

what about you?
Why would he lose my respect. He saw what happened last time he JUMPED into the season when MENTALLY he wasn't ready. Physically he is in a percentage that none of us are close to which is that of a NBA player. Mentally he does not feel ready. He wants to return on his terms when he feels he is mentally ready. I can't hate of dude for that. He isn't even in his prime and he wants to be the best him.

Annoying when people want somebody to rush back when they don't feel ready. Chicago is good, but D rose makes them title contenders. Let dude return when he is ready.

I've lost respect for all those complaining about him not coming back ASAP. Stop being selfish.
I have lost more respect for the whole Bulls organization than him. They should have said he's not coming back this season to end all of this speculation.

And wasn't his injury worse then Shumpert's?

After sitting out an whole season why would you want him to come back in the playoffs? Rusty and out of game shape just doesn't make since to me.

I agree with this. The situation was handled SOOOO poorly. Everyone knows it takes players two years to recover from these injuries. As an organization they should’ve hoped for Adrian Peterson results internally, but Shut him down for the year publicly. Instead theres this maybe nonsense.

I’m not saying D Rose handled it well either, but the organization could have easily killed this story from last year.

take two years?



ok doctor

when did it take 2 years to come back from ACL?
The fact... that he doesn't feel comfortable... is exactly... why people are losing respect.

Doc says you can play. Teammates are out there busting their tails. But you're over on the sideline like "I still got a ouchie."


and I've torn both of my ACLs.

And like da ninjahood said, Shump is out there hooping. :\
The fact... that he doesn't feel comfortable... is exactly... why people are losing respect.

Doc says you can play. Teammates are out there busting their tails. But you're over on the sideline like "I still got a ouchie."


and I've torn both of my ACLs.

And like da ninjahood said, Shump is out there hooping.
Aye Ska......

Yo Ska.....

Can you hear me Ska?




You not D Rose.
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If he doesn't play against miami he really will be a ***** to me. At least suit up n try, if he ain't feeling it, sit back down. Things like this is why hes not considered a superstar to me, any of the other 3 would see this as an opportunity to go for the prize.

And it annoys me when people try to tell him when he should be ready to play. That's up to him. I understand that doctors cleared him, but if he's not 100% comfortable out there, he'll do more harm than good. At the end of the day, he has to look out for himself first. **** the fans. **** the critics.

Guaranteed if it was Lebron that pulled this, you would be singing a Completely different tune.
The fact... that he doesn't feel comfortable... is exactly... why people are losing respect.

Doc says you can play. Teammates are out there busting their tails. But you're over on the sideline like "I still got a ouchie."


and I've torn both of my ACLs.

And like da ninjahood said, Shump is out there hooping. :\
Aye Ska......

Yo Ska.....

Can you hear me Ska?




You not D Rose.

:lol: I'm saying though. Y'all acting like you play like DRose.

Until you jump, run, sprint, manuever like DRose and suffer an injury that affects your athleticism, then you don't speak.
*makes list of ppl who have no right to talk negatively about anyone, ever*

*starts list w/ the names DirtyBuhbuhnew and MIAMI 5O*

I mean, ever. because if you were to talk negatively about someone, I sure do hope someone ELSE hits you with your own "You need to keep quiet, because you're not them" line of reasoning.
Nope. He knows that he's young & has a lot of basketball left after this year. So he wants to make sure that he doesn't **** that up.

He comes back next season at a high level & competes with MIA for the league's best record & the fans will completely forget about last year. He keeps it up for a decade & then when he retires this will be just be a small footnote.

He's a liability at this point anyway. The last time he saw the Heat in the playoffs he averaged 35% shooting & 4 turnovers. And that was when he was at his peak. Now he hasn't played in ANY games in over a year & is completely out of rhythm. It would be a nightmare.
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I just don't understand why ESPN is on his **** about this. An ACL injury is very serious, ESPECIALLY for a player like Rose who's entire game revolves around quick lateral movements. It's all about longevity in this league. I'm glad he's sitting out the rest of the year. Come back when you are ready and stronger than ever
Nah duh.

Keep up.

Dudes yakking about "If you haven't tore your ACL, you have no right to speak."
You've never competed on the level of physicality as D Rose. That was what I was getting at. You basically said, "If I can be fine after tearing my ACLs, then D rose should be just as fine" which is very unrealistic.
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