Hating your job to the point of depression?

Forgot to say what I did to cope:

- push ups before and after work

- drunk lots of water and stayed on top of my health

I made an effort to put time into myself, and not just show up to work and put time into someone else's goals. By making time to iron clothes, stay on top of my appearance, work out, and be healthy, I was able to stay MORE positive than I would have been otherwise. 

When your job isn't doing it for you, you have to make sure you're investing enough into yourself to keep your morale up.
Man, I worked in a call center for WIC, imagine how that gig was :lol: Wasn't even a call center really, just 2-3 of us in a room :lol: Answered about 200+ calls/day
Working in a call center is by far the most frustrating thing I have ever done for every reason listed. I love my current job and have no complaints but if I ever did feel like I was starting to not like it, I always can look back on that call center job and realize that things could be way way worse.
Forgot to say what I did to cope:
- push ups before and after work
- drunk lots of water and stayed on top of my health

I made an effort to put time into myself, and not just show up to work and put time into someone else's goals. By making time to iron clothes, stay on top of my appearance, work out, and be healthy, I was able to stay MORE positive than I would have been otherwise. 

When your job isn't doing it for you, you have to make sure you're investing enough into yourself to keep your morale up.

word. gotta put this to practice. been slackin in the gym for a minute.
Sell Part Time on Ebay... trust me it breaks up the monotony of the day to day routine.

I went from living 1 day to 2 days in 1. I'm pretty efficient.

But I've been lazy since the Daylight Savings Time Change. Hopefully I can use this weekend to get back on track.
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Was like this with a won't mention fortune 500 company close to Norfolk, supervision were a bunch of ******s. Changing policies and procedures every other week so you had no idea what your role was. Some people doing all of the work while others played on their phones all day, again supervision did nothing about it but have meetings and send blanket warning emails to everyone. Had a bunch of cackling old women gossiping about co-workers whenever they left the room. I'd drive to work and literally start getting headaches the closer I got to the building. Only thing that got me through the day was hitting their gym at lunch time.

I finally started looking for a new job and shotgunning my resume anywhere and everywhere I was interested. Finally got the F outta there after Thanksgiving last year and on with a govt contractor. Don't regret it at all.

Just keep looking for something better and survive in the meantime.
You hit it right on the head.  What irks my soul is how some of the staff at my workplace don't pull their own weight, while the other half of the staff does. Then you have the ones who actually get paid more than others but are the laziest ones there (taking naps in the backroom, closing their eyes and leaning back on their chair all day long) . Then the supervisor and management is terrible, they're afraid to call the big decisions and shove it to the other employees to do it, supervisors never put their foot down and do anything about these lazy workers, and they make the most stupidest decisions that they are always hiring new staff  that scam them and steal company's credit cards, and then when they finally fire them they act like its a surprise they did those things, when theres been hints for months and people telling them how horrible those new hires are lol. Its like did y'all not see that coming???? lol smh. And most of the staff gossip and talk a lot of smack about each other that it makes the workplace negative. 

In the end, the only thing keeping me there is the free full health insurance benefit and also looking at the bigger picture and further term goals that I do need the money for now to hopefully start up my own business with that capital. I just put my head down and tough it out everyday and also telling myself theres life outside of work and to keep calm, but Im thinking of just putting up with it for maybe another year before calling it quits regardless of the money and health insurance. 
Was like this with a won't mention fortune 500 company close to Norfolk, supervision were a bunch of ******s. Changing policies and procedures every other week so you had no idea what your role was. Some people doing all of the work while others played on their phones all day, again supervision did nothing about it but have meetings and send blanket warning emails to everyone. Had a bunch of cackling old women gossiping about co-workers whenever they left the room. I'd drive to work and literally start getting headaches the closer I got to the building. Only thing that got me through the day was hitting their gym at lunch time.

I finally started looking for a new job and shotgunning my resume anywhere and everywhere I was interested. Finally got the F outta there after Thanksgiving last year and on with a govt contractor. Don't regret it at all.

Just keep looking for something better and survive in the meantime.

You hit it right on the head.  What irks my soul is how some of the staff at my workplace don't pull their own weight, while the other half of the staff does. Then you have the ones who actually get paid more than others but are the laziest ones there (taking naps in the backroom, closing their eyes and leaning back on their chair all day long) . Then the supervisor and management is terrible, they're afraid to call the big decisions and shove it to the other employees to do it, supervisors never put their foot down and do anything about these lazy workers, and they make the most stupidest decisions that they are always hiring new staff  that scam them and steal company's credit cards, and then when they finally fire them they act like its a surprise they did those things, when theres been hints for months and people telling them how horrible those new hires are lol. Its like did y'all not see that coming???? lol smh. And most of the staff gossip and talk a lot of smack about each other that it makes the workplace negative. 

In the end, the only thing keeping me there is the free full health insurance benefit and also looking at the bigger picture and further term goals that I do need the money for now to hopefully start up my own business with that capital. I just put my head down and tough it out everyday and also telling myself theres life outside of work and to keep calm, but Im thinking of just putting up with it for maybe another year before calling it quits regardless of the money and health insurance. 

exactly how i feel
mgmt rewards the wrong ppl. people get drunk with power, favoritism, etc. if you're going to come at someone for a mistake, do it to everyone.
hate how money is wasted and mgmt complains how are numbers are poor and how it aint growing

if health care is cheap, i dont mind quitting, but would need something part-time that would allow me freedom to look for a new job
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