Have a high metabolism; looking to gain weight and start working out...

Is there a difference between calories, and "calories from fat"? Raisin Bran is 190 Calories per serving, yet only 15 Calories from fat. Is this a good thing to be adding to my diet? I strive to reach this 6k calories a day mark, but would like to have some sort of blueprint.

Currently looking something like this

Bowl of Raisan Bran and 2 Eggs (620 total)

Whey Protein Shake (130, 750 total)

3 Aunt Jemima Waffles (315, 1065 total)

First of all 6,000 calories is over kill. Try 3,000 calories to start, then if you have it in you bump it up to 4,000.

Anyway, I was where you were a year ago. You need to eat, simply put. Lift as heavy as you can while maintaining proper form. Eat 6 meals daily.

2 protein shakes a day in the morning and post-workout. Complex carbs always before 3 P.M, simple carbs after. Eat as much protein a day to

match your body weight= 1 gram of protein per pound. As for workouts, 4 sets, 4-6 reps HEAVY.
First of all 6,000 calories is over kill. Try 3,000 calories to start, then if you have it in you bump it up to 4,000.

Anyway, I was where you were a year ago. You need to eat, simply put. Lift as heavy as you can while maintaining proper form. Eat 6 meals daily.

2 protein shakes a day in the morning and post-workout. Complex carbs always before 3 P.M, simple carbs after. Eat as much protein a day to

match your body weight= 1 gram of protein per pound. As for workouts, 4 sets, 4-6 reps HEAVY.
1 gram of protein per KILOgram is good. per POUND is OD.

He'll be crapping most of it since it'll be way too much to absorb.
1 gram of protein per KILOgram is good. per POUND is OD.

He'll be crapping most of it since it'll be way too much to absorb.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

1 gram of protein per KILOgram is good. per POUND is OD.

He'll be crapping most of it since it'll be way too much to absorb.

Nope, the only way to get bigger is to eat more on a consistent basis. 
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

1 gram of protein per KILOgram is good. per POUND is OD.

He'll be crapping most of it since it'll be way too much to absorb.

Nope, the only way to get bigger is to eat more on a consistent basis. 
I got you all beat...6'2 145
Originally Posted by Politicin

Is there a difference between calories, and "calories from fat"? Raisin Bran is 190 Calories per serving, yet only 15 Calories from fat. Is this a good thing to be adding to my diet? I strive to reach this 6k calories a day mark, but would like to have some sort of blueprint.

Currently looking something like this

Bowl of Raisan Bran and 2 Eggs (620 total)

Whey Protein Shake (130, 750 total)

3 Aunt Jemima Waffles (315, 1065 total)


cals from fats arent bad. that must be a big bowl of cereal...
Originally Posted by Politicin

Is there a difference between calories, and "calories from fat"? Raisin Bran is 190 Calories per serving, yet only 15 Calories from fat. Is this a good thing to be adding to my diet? I strive to reach this 6k calories a day mark, but would like to have some sort of blueprint.

Currently looking something like this

Bowl of Raisan Bran and 2 Eggs (620 total)

Whey Protein Shake (130, 750 total)

3 Aunt Jemima Waffles (315, 1065 total)


cals from fats arent bad. that must be a big bowl of cereal...
you're doom for the rest of you're life because of you have fast metabolism until you reach you're thirty's.
Try doing compound exercises such as squats, dead lifts, pull-ups, bent over rows, pull-ups, military press.
Eat calories dense meals such as peanut butter, and have good fats in you're diet by eating almonds, or avocado.
you're doom for the rest of you're life because of you have fast metabolism until you reach you're thirty's.
Try doing compound exercises such as squats, dead lifts, pull-ups, bent over rows, pull-ups, military press.
Eat calories dense meals such as peanut butter, and have good fats in you're diet by eating almonds, or avocado.
im just curious..why do you think you have high metabolism? Is it because youre skinny and you assume you do?
the reason i ask is because i use to be pretty skinny myself..6 feet about 150-160 and whenever people used to ask me why i was so skinny..i used the excuse that my metabolism was fast...and i actually did believe that i had fast metabolism
anyway, the real reason was because i simply didnt eat enough...there were tons of times when i was sitting in class and my stomach would growl like crazy.
If this happens to you at all, then your eating habits are off.

The person who suggested 6000 calories a day. I think that is waayyyy OD...especially for someone your height/weight.  You'll just gain a lot of fat (and trust me, you will get flabs even if you dont think you will)
Here's what I did last summer: Gained about 20 lbs in 3 months which was too much imo (got some flabs
Eat 6 times a day. about once every 3-4 hours.
Morning: 1 cup oatmeal, cup of milk, 2 eggs, protein shake
3 hours later: protein shake, peanuts
lunch: spaghetti w/ meatballs, milk
2 hours later: ~ 4 slices wheat bread, peanut butter
~Workout for about an hour~ Protein Shake right after
Dinner: 1 cup brown rice, steak, milk

At your weight, you should be gaining weight in no time following that diet.  I don't recommend you follow it exactly like that since like i said, i gained some fat
im just curious..why do you think you have high metabolism? Is it because youre skinny and you assume you do?
the reason i ask is because i use to be pretty skinny myself..6 feet about 150-160 and whenever people used to ask me why i was so skinny..i used the excuse that my metabolism was fast...and i actually did believe that i had fast metabolism
anyway, the real reason was because i simply didnt eat enough...there were tons of times when i was sitting in class and my stomach would growl like crazy.
If this happens to you at all, then your eating habits are off.

The person who suggested 6000 calories a day. I think that is waayyyy OD...especially for someone your height/weight.  You'll just gain a lot of fat (and trust me, you will get flabs even if you dont think you will)
Here's what I did last summer: Gained about 20 lbs in 3 months which was too much imo (got some flabs
Eat 6 times a day. about once every 3-4 hours.
Morning: 1 cup oatmeal, cup of milk, 2 eggs, protein shake
3 hours later: protein shake, peanuts
lunch: spaghetti w/ meatballs, milk
2 hours later: ~ 4 slices wheat bread, peanut butter
~Workout for about an hour~ Protein Shake right after
Dinner: 1 cup brown rice, steak, milk

At your weight, you should be gaining weight in no time following that diet.  I don't recommend you follow it exactly like that since like i said, i gained some fat
I'm 6'3 200 pounds and i bench 285. I used to be really skinny. I just started lifting and ate the same. All these people will tell you crazy diets and things you need to do but truth is all you need to do is hit the gym and if your dedicated enough you'll get there. 
I'm 6'3 200 pounds and i bench 285. I used to be really skinny. I just started lifting and ate the same. All these people will tell you crazy diets and things you need to do but truth is all you need to do is hit the gym and if your dedicated enough you'll get there. 
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