Have Any good Dunk SBs come out between 2009 and 2011?

Mar 5, 2005
Hey All,
I stopped collecting shoes around 2008 and am curious if any good SBs dropped since then.

During my time on here I owned a fair amount of what I thought were pretty dope shoes (Jedis, Unkles, all the hemps, seacrystals, tweeds, homers etc).

Have any SBs come out that rival the 2005-2008 period of SB releases?

Excuse me if this is a dumb question.
Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

Hey All,
I stopped collecting shoes around 2008 and am curious if any good SBs dropped since then.

During my time on here I owned a fair amount of what I thought were pretty dope shoes (Jedis, Unkles, all the hemps, seacrystals, tweeds, homers etc).

Have any SBs come out that rival the 2005-2008 period of SB releases?

Excuse me if this is a dumb question.
It's all up to your personal preference, but
imo not really, there haven't been too many with a story, but there have been plenty of gimmicks. And only a few have become anything and even those select few aren't that sought after or desired by collectors certainly to the level of 02-05 Dunks....the majority of Dunks after 06 have been flops and don't go for very much (some go for maybe 300, but nothing more than that for the most part, some exceptions are WTDs, Three Bears Pack, and DOTDs and that's all I can think of from the top of my head) or are sought after. Some of these cws are okay, but nothing special imo. Basically pairs, both GR (still) and up until recently (SOLs in March) QSs, are produced in far too many numbers relative to the demand and sit for long periods of time on skate shop shelves and these shops are stuck with the pairs and have to resort to putting them on sale for as low as 60 bucks. Loons sat at my shop for a good 7 months before finally selling out, but only after they were reduced to 60 dollars. So if you're looking to invest in new SBs, which I doubt you are, I'd buy the really hyped up pairs, BUT even there you can go wrong and be stuck with a flop. As for GRs and investing, unless you know someone and can get them for under retail, it really isn't worth it. Plenty of GRs, these days, go for retail on the resale market, so buying them at retail and expecting profit would not be a wise thing to do. Sure people are still paying attention, but there are too many pairs per year as well as too many pairs per cw for there to really be a demand, coinciding with those changes I mentioned above which do in fact make an impact on people's opinion of a Dunk SB. The cws also severely lack a story, and in this era of sneaker culture, that really is what's necessary for a shoe to have that "WOW" factor and for the demand to be there, along with the shape, quality, and correct toecap cut exemplified on the 02-05 Dunk SBs.....along with being limited of course, but even if they weren't limited, those cws would be bought up for sure, besides only a few were that limited anyhow. Another reason why the cws haven't returned is because of the current designers for Nike SB (mainly Shawn Baravetto), who seem to lack the ability to come up with original eye catching stuff and instead resort to rehashing old cws and replacing materials OR just making the stuff way too plain and as I said before, there are few stories and of the stories that are present, only a very small number are decent, imo. If you look back on the 02-05 cws, the majority were in fact collabs whether they be with artists, shops, or other companies and not designed primarily by a head designer as they are now and have been for quite some time.
You can catch up here as far as what's released since you stopped paying attention


Not all of the 2011 ones are listed, but then again it really doesn't matter at least imo, for me SBs died in 05, and from the many people I've talked to at campouts, on various forums, and at DXCs, they pretty much all agree. So to answer your question, no there haven't been many Dunks that have topped the 05-08 ones as far as I'm concerned, plus Nike SB changed the Dunk in terms of shape, padding, toecap cut, and quality materials which dipped off in 06, these are another reason why people lost interest/ only buy the old stuff. You can also take a look here and see what's coming next year to judge for yourself:


These links have the majority of them for the past couple months:



This is the highly anticipated 'Entourage' Dunk


And this was the last "big" release which came in July 2011:


This is the QS for September which is getting mixed reviews, we'll see:

there have been a ton of great releases. anyone who says otherwise is only judging the shoe by the amount of hype it does or doesn't receive. henry - the quality of a shoe is not based on it's resell value 

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

there have been a ton of great releases. anyone who says otherwise is only judging the shoe by the amount of hype it does or doesn't receive. henry - the quality of a shoe is not based on it's resell value 

I know that, and like I said there have been some okay designs, but nothing great and as I said before as well, plenty of people say that SB died in 06. You have no idea how many former collectors I have met.
Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

there have been a ton of great releases. anyone who says otherwise is only judging the shoe by the amount of hype it does or doesn't receive. henry - the quality of a shoe is not based on it's resell value 

Originally Posted by elcerrito91

Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

there have been a ton of great releases. anyone who says otherwise is only judging the shoe by the amount of hype it does or doesn't receive. henry - the quality of a shoe is not based on it's resell value 

I know that, and like I said there have been some okay designs, but nothing great and as I said before as well, plenty of people say that SB died in 06. You have no idea how many former collectors I have met.
there are a ton of recent designs that have been just as good as anything nike put out at the beginning. if you released some of these current designs back in 2004-2005, there would have been tons of hype, lines and madness. back then, people were lining up for everything cause everything SB was hype. SB didn't die in 06, the hype for SB died - big difference. and i don't care how many wannabe collectors you've met. they are all probably herbs like you. 
How am I an herb? I know my %%%%, I have some decent stuff which I know you've seen, and I made SBs relevant on NT again, something that was severely lacking before.

You have to realize that the stories stopped, and thus the demand went away, not to mention shape, toebox cut, heel padding especially on highs, and QUALITY MATERIALS. Also, SBs became available in many more places which played a role in the decline of demand, but it was mostly the cws/ quality changes back in 06 that turned people off, heel padding changes and shape/ toecap cut issues came up later.

The people I've met know their %%%% too and have been around. I've spoken to many many people about SBs and for the most part they all said that SBs died (in the opinion of the majority of collectors the cws weren't desirable) in 06.  Honestly I'd take Barfs over most of the 06-present cws, but I actually like Barfs so that's a different story. I was just putting it in perspective that good shoes don't have to be sought after.

The designs these days are either gimmicks OR just rehashed cws with different materials and these unoriginal cws are getting old to many collectors.

To answer the OP's question, it's up to you whether there have been "good" cws since 09. As you can see the opinions vary, BUT imo if you asked most collectors which cws they prefer, they'd say 02-05 over 06-present and based on my experience I can pretty much back that up.
Not to brag, but I started the majority of the SB threads since the SOLs came out and I constantly updated the ones started by others. ALDY and many others can vouch for me on this.

Basically before I started posting again, the SB threads of the retro section were practically non-existent.

Lock this, I think OP can figure things out for himself.
Why are you always backseat modding? Lock this, post in my thread blah blah blah. So you've read a lot of books and articles about sneaker collecting. How does that make you an authority figure? I could just as easily sit on n-sb and copy and paste the images posted there here. 98% of the time you come off as a condescending.

What decent stuff do you have? I saw a thread you posted on Sneaker Showcase and it was maybe 20 pairs of shoes and nothing that make me say "OMG THIS GUY'S CLEARLY THE AUTHORITY HE'S MAKING HIMSELF TO BE".

I'm sorry, but I've seen you post on dunk threads and now jordan threads for too long whining about the shape and quality of materials and creativity on the color ways, yet if someone looks at your sneaker showcase thread, you don't even own many pairs from the eras that you've raised to olympian heights.
I don't need an outstanding collection to know my stuff when it comes to SBs and I never claimed to be the expert on either Jordans (very very few people are) or SBs , BUT anyone who has been following SBs for awhile can see what I'm talking about in regards to shape, toecap cut, heel padding, lack of stories, and lack of quality materials. And again no matter where the info/ pics come from, what does it matter? Sure I can see your point that what I'm doing on NT isn't hard and that anybody could do it, but the fact is THEY WEREN'T MAKING THE THREADS before I started to, for the most part.

I don't mean to come off as condescending.

Yes. I picked up the Skunks, Yellow Curbs, True Red Highs, and Plum Highs. And that's not to say there weren't others I would have gotten. I'm glad the hype is dead. I've been getting SB's since day 1 and I know if these same kicks came out in the beginning I would not have been able to get them as easy and as cheap as I did.
Ummmm........, now the kid claims that he made SBs relevant on NT?
Had to check my dictionally just to make sure what "relevant" means.
And i learned that this is almost opposite to relevant for me
coz I get dissapointed every time i opened the kid's post
since the pics or the info he posts is almost certainly something
which I've aleady seen on the other resources.
As with any opinion request, your preferences will most likely differ from mine, but here's what came out in that period that I really enjoyed: Quagmires, Ms. Pacmans, Lobsters (red and blue), reverse hemps, Brain Wrecks, Oceanic Airs, the Kostons were awesome. Looking at the release lineup from the period while there was some stuff I passed on, I don't think there's been anything that I hated enough to rail against the company.
Originally Posted by Stuntman Mike

there have been a ton of great releases. anyone who says otherwise is only judging the shoe by the amount of hype it does or doesn't receive. henry - the quality of a shoe is not based on it's resell value 


This @++% right here.
Originally Posted by elcerrito91

and I made SBs relevant on NT again, something that was severely lacking before.

REEEEEEEEEEEELAXXXXXXXXXX bro, all you do is CTRL C + CTRL V from NSB. Discussions were here before you, and they're gonna be here after you disappear. 
....Depends. A lot more shoes geared towards the common man as opposed to hypebeast. Miss the crazy designs of yester year though.
Originally Posted by XIIz89

Originally Posted by henz0

I have these and love them.. My only pair of Dunks
What are these?
A May 2010 GR release, if you like them, they are retail on FC, most common sizes are there too.....^^^I know, Luis, I already justified that on the previous page.
he didn't....he said "to the original poster" aka the herb you quoted 

he made SB's relevant on NT again?
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