have u ever bagged a chick knowing..

Dec 11, 2007
have u ever bagged a chick knowing..... that she was a $@!... for sho?

cuz honestly it does effect how i talk to them , and my agressivness towards them...but ima smash either way..%#%+ need lovin too..whats ur views niketalK?
Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

that she was a $@!... for sho?

add more symbols to that....it could cause some confusion....but if you meant ripper....i wouldnt smash a girl that was a certified human condom..
yeah what word are you talking about? i could imagine a lot of words fitting into that one
The three letter word is a girl you take home and wear out. Someone you don't take home to mother. The garden tool. Do the people that were confused get itnow?
smh.. ive been thread jacked by morons.. dude above me got it on point..and dude who said virgin is not a 3 letter word
... we all can spell
I got bop from them but I don't like to smash.them being all loose and all.
of course every now and then it happens anyway but I make them show me medical records first.lol
i dont waste my time with them V's. i dont have months and years to be waiting to hit a chick. i be on the move. i need that gushy when i need it... woRD!
I deal with joints that want to get it popin. V's want to be with a +%*+%. I 'm on my one night stand yea digg
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