Have you ever been slapped in the face before? vol. exclude your parents

No, but I've slapped/punched a handful of people.
Yes, they deserved it and none of them expected me to do it.
I ain't never been smacked; a *%$++ better keep his hands
to himself or get clapped for what's under that man's belt

A male slappin another male is the biggest form of disrespect in my eyes. Its worse than gettin spit on...
Got slapped in the face in Middle school, some dude next to me threw a Paper ball at this one girl, hit her right in the face, she got up and screamed"whothrew that *%#!?" looked right at me and the dude, so then he proceeds to point at me and she came and slapped me right in the face...I didn't donothing, i was concentrating on my paper,and this girls comes and slaps the *%#! outta my face, everyone laughed at me...
Got slapped in the face in Middle school, some dude next to me threw a Paper ball at this one girl, hit her right in the face, she got up and screamed"whothrew that %@%*?" looked right at me and the dude, so then he proceeds to point at me and she came and slapped me right in the face...I didn't donothing, i was concentrating on my paper,and this girls comes and slaps the %@%* outta my face, everyone laughed at me...
i wish a +$+!% would

but, never
Yup, but it was durning a party, and we were drunk with some friends. I slapped him right back like Peter did in "I Love You Man."

We had a mutual agreement at the end.
took a girls chair from her desk last year, because she looked like she wasnt in. She was on the other side of the room and I didnt see her, came over, tappedme on shoulder and when i looked she full on pimp slapped me.
I called this random chick a +$%%$ over a game of beerpong. She slapped me and I just continued on talking like the !##% didn't even happen. Don't gotno time to catch a case.

BTW I slapped this dude once. He disrespected me so I slapped dudes glasses off and I expected a fight to ensue but none did. He and I laugh about this all thetime now. We're pretty good friends.

But I agree, a man slapping another man might be the ultimate form on disrespect.
Yup, on the back of the school bus in the 8th grade. I slapped her back.

Yup, two times by my BM when she broke into my house thru the fire escape. I didn't mean to, but I threw her into the wall.
Yeah some girl slapped me once cause she thought I touched her butt...I was a freshmen and she was a senior in high school ....
Got slapped in Middle School by some girl that had found out i broke up with my ex then.
Funny thing i had a crush on the girl that slapped. My best friend at the time was next to me.
I was like ... =/
Got slapped by some black girl in middle school for shout insults at her face
I also got slapped by my godmother for not liking the gift she got me for Christmas.
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