Have you ever dated or pulled the number of someone famous and was it before or after they blewup?

Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

I produce television shows now but back then I was just your typical l.a. dude that played basketball and got into ALOT of trouble.
aspiring actress here, holla haha
Originally Posted by Mr Fizzy Womack

Originally Posted by thekckid

my ex went on Real World: Brooklyn we are still cool and talk every now and then that's it for me

Must have been Devyn

Were you guys together before or after the show?

before the show I talked to her while she was on the show a couple times but it didn't make the cut I should have cursed her out or something then I would have been on there
I used to mess around with a singer named Nadia Ali. She used to chill on my block as she was good friends with my super's daughter. At that time, she was just a regular confused high school +%$#@#% who used to sing with her friends when they were hanging out in front of my window. To her credit, her nice singing voice was evident back then too.
My brother dined and ditched with Scott Muscudi and a couple other guys during a lunch break in HS. They thought they got away but a woman that knew one of their mothers ended up paying the bill and sharing the news with that dudes mom.

his mother taught choir at my school and used to substitute teach as well. She was TOUGH lol didn't take any #!@$

as far as famous booty I haven't had the pleasure........ yet
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