Have you ever felt drastically out of place in most social gatherings and life in general?

Sep 16, 2010
I just sit here and look back at my life, I've always felt out of place. It's like, so many people do the same of a lot things such as, Drink, smoke, party, clubbing and etc. In a day to day conversation, that's what most people talk about. Me on the other hand, I can't really chime in the conversation because I don't do any of that stuff. My GF loves to go out and I go with her, but places like lounges and clubs, I feel so damn out of place. It's not my element what so ever, but I only go every once in awhile when we go just to compromise. Bottom line, i'm just not a peoples person at all. It goes back to my childhood based off my mother sheltering us and being somewhat rejected by society because I was "Too different" and being picked on/bullied. With that being said, it kind of made me very closed off from people because I always have that "Me against the world" mentality due to my social awkwardness. It's like I have defense shield up at all times.

Honestly, i'm a homebody and yes, I have a girlfriend who is clearly more of an extrovert who likes to be social and what not. Like, do any of you have moments where you feel out of place when you can't really relate to things that makes you out to be "boring"?
Welcome to NT

Frfr, we could be twins, minus the being picked on and bullied aspect.
it's human, I think most people at some point have felt like they don't fit in in certain situations.

I would say to try and challenge yourself to step out of what is comfortable for you. Don't be afraid to look a little silly or be more talkative at times. You'll find out that most people aren't as aware or judgmental to the degree you might think they are.
OP everyone feels like this at some point
the younger you learn not to care what people think about you the better and more enjoyable your life will be
Like everybody else said. I kinda used to be like that and at some point I stopped giving a ****. I'll converse with random people and ask about their lives or just sit at the bar and sip a drink while chatting up the barkeep.

Or just walk through the club crop dusting the place with the biggest of grins. I never go out to a lounge or a club with the intention of being entertained or even having to entertain other people. We're all just molecules floating through space on a giant rock. Nothing REALLY matters. Get drunk and sit/stand and simply exist. No need to get anxiety over it.
OP needs to be more adaptable or stop doing things that don't make you happy

i can have a good time almost anywhere under any conditions
drunk, sober, bar, lounge, dinner, club etc...
i don't go to clubs no more though
I see what you saying OP. You find yourself in settings where you "should" be or compromise to be, but it just aint you. Its okay b. Embrace that and the fact that your comfort zone may not be everyone elses, and thats perfectly fine. Its also fine to step out of ones comfort zone and be in those awkward situations cus if you are always comfortable, you aint really getting all there is to get out of your life.
Well I haven't been to a social event in a little over two years now. Don't know if I ever felt out of place or I just don't know how to socialize.

I have/had friends I still care for, but I'm either a loner by choice, outcasted, or just being left behind. At the most, when I did have a semblance of a social life, I just didn't feel the need to do it every chance I got because it felt like throwing money away.
OP, you just sound like an introvert. That's fine.

I really think the best way to balance this is to be open to new experiences, people, places.

Once you're completely confident in your own skin, you flourish. You adapt smoothly to everything. Nothing or no one can phase you.
I've noticed that as you get older, social gatherings become a LOT more boring. When I was younger, I never felt out of place at house parties or clubs even if I was dead sober because it was about dancing, riding cheeks and getting numbers :lol: But now that I'm my late 20s I feel extremely out of place at social gatherings because I'm not interested in just drinking and making small talk about Game of Thrones, Trump, or (insert baseball team).
Everybody especially milennials are busy with their heads in their phones. Nobody can really converse, except if u really know someone.
When I was younger yes, now not really. Everybody has those moments, it's perfectly normal. If it's something you feel all of the time it sounds like you're just an introvert while your surroundings seem more extrovert. I'm still an introvert but I enjoy social gatherings as well. Even though I'm technically out of place in just about any situation with my chronic disease and disability and being confined to spending a lot of time at home as a result, I never really feel out of place at all. When I was younger I really disliked going out etc. but gradually as I became more exposed to it I found it enjoyable. I can enjoy my time by myself just as much if not more but I always enjoy social gatherings now as well. Some of my closest friends are introverts, others are the complete opposite and very popular and outgoing. It's good to have both in your social circle.
I'm an introvert that was raised by parents who are also introverts. No drinking, no smoking, no clubbing. I'm married to an extrovert who was raised by a family full of extroverts. Drinking, smoking, not listening to the doctor when he tells them to quit those things, and dying as a result of not listening. You name it.. I've never felt rejected by anyone. But I've certainly done my best to reject societies norms. If that makes me boring, Oh well. I hate social gatherings, I don't like showing my face in places I feel like I just don't need to be. I look at many things that people do as being in no way beneficial to my life. I just wanna go to the gym, play basketball or stay home and play video games. As far as feeling out of place goes. I'm 6'8, I've embraced the out of place since I was 6 feet tall at the age of 11. I can't go anywhere or do anything without unnecessary conversation or being approached about something cause I stick out like a sore thumb. As I've grown and done work on and focused on myself and what makes me happy, and through raising a little girl. I realized, to each their own. In life there is no right or wrong. We are who we are and we have to do the things that make us tick. Legit stop caring, stop caring about what other people do. And about how anybody feels or thinks about you or anything that you do. The only thing you have to worry about in life is you and whatever means the world to you.. Be the best you that you can possibly be no matter what.
OP, are you a virgo?

I am and I have the same type of personality as OP. What's that mean though?

I'd rather have quality conversations and relationships with a select few than try to be a "social butterfly" and have a bunch of superficial interactions.
I just sit here and look back at my life, I've always felt out of place. It's like, so many people do the same of a lot things such as, Drink, smoke, party, clubbing and etc. In a day to day conversation, that's what most people talk about. Me on the other hand, I can't really chime in the conversation because I don't do any of that stuff. My GF loves to go out and I go with her, but places like lounges and clubs, I feel so damn out of place. It's not my element what so ever, but I only go every once in awhile when we go just to compromise. Bottom line, i'm just not a peoples person at all. It goes back to my childhood based off my mother sheltering us and being somewhat rejected by society because I was "Too different" and being picked on/bullied. With that being said, it kind of made me very closed off from people because I always have that "Me against the world" mentality due to my social awkwardness. It's like I have defense shield up at all times.

Honestly, i'm a homebody and yes, I have a girlfriend who is clearly more of an extrovert who likes to be social and what not. Like, do any of you have moments where you feel out of place when you can't really relate to things that makes you out to be "boring"?
Yes, I know how you feel. I didn't enjoy going to lounges or clubs. When I did, I was bored.

I don't think there's anything wrong with being a homebody.
I definitely tried way too hard to fit in with the party culture when I was younger. Just wasn't me. I always liked a good house party over clubs, etc. where everyone seems to be grandstanding.
I definitely tried way too hard to fit in with the party culture when I was younger. Just wasn't me. I always liked a good house party over clubs, etc. where everyone seems to be grandstanding.

I'm the same way -- enjoy the smaller, more intimate parties with great music and Henny flowing.

I think this avenue is the best way to meet people too -- someone knows someone, they introduce you, etc.
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