Have you ever laid a hand on your woman? ....................Why not?

Yes I agree with the mushing rule. Some girls need to get really punched straight in their grill though.
Just like if it was some other dude. No hands on me...no hands on them.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
I witnessed my mom get abused when I was like 9... I vowed to never put my hands on a woman in that way..
They want equality... but get mad when we try to treat em equal... not sayin i'd hit a woman... but if she tries to beat my %%@ its gonna be hard to resist
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

A little shake, never hit. She would have to be threatening my life or my families.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

unless they're about to shoot you or knife you up...nah dude, nah
Unfortunately yes
Never literally hit her though, just gripped her up and slammed her. Then she gets mad and wails on me in my head and kicks me out. Igot a short temper, but she knows that and does #!*$ to work my nerves
Originally Posted by Fireblaze44

your angry voice ain't cutting it because she's heard it too many times
Why let it get that far in the first place??

Double standards of any kind =

Being brainwashed into supporting these standards =

So what am I supposed to do, be reasonable and calm and walk away? OK................................THEN WHYDON'T WOMEN EVER DO THAT %*%@?! Why does the man ALWAYS have to take the L? No one lets things get that far, butit happens.

To the rest of ya'll,

Once again, I'm not advocating HITTING women AT ALL. READ my OP.
Agreed! only if it needs to get to that point...

I feel as though a mush would only lead to her throwing wild open hands your way
.I have only got into fights with girls when I was younger, never when Igot older. I came very close to hitting my last girlfriend with a mean hay-maker, but I thought otherwise.

I was merging onto the belt-way and we were talking about something pointless, She was yelling I was sitting their not saying anything as usual with the
face. Then out of nowhere while I am merging she starts swinging on melanded about 3 punches before I knew what was happen. I had to restrain her with my right arm while merging/driving with left!

I wanted to pull over beat the living @$#+ out of here...but she got the idea when I said "
Hit me one more time..." she sat their the whole ride home quiet with the
face. When we got to her house I just said G-TFO!

Originally Posted by BwooDFolkGD74

i wired her jaw...i had to

her pops fought me after

I am going to need a story?

and did you wire her pops too?
I didn't read anything you typed. But any man laying his hands on a woman is !#!!#. /discussion.
Originally Posted by CarminePOWER

Makes sense. Girls always fight for equal rights as men. So they should be able to get motley whomped like them.
I prefer choking though.
ok mods lock it up
See brandon!

Man on the G that be that @+@* that I'm talking about. I bet if your right hand woulda touched that left temple and made that right temple touch thatwindow, you would have been Swayze. And if it happens at home and she wants to fight, all you do is keep muffing her and
at her till she cries and quits
. The punches won't hurt you as bad as your
at her
face hurts her. And your muffing her says, "Aye @*+*%, these coulda beenpunches landing...think about that."
I didn't read anything you typed. But any man laying his hands on a woman is !#!!#. /discussion.
__ shut up.
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Deadset, It ain't like I said you should powerbomb the girl. A little "Aye, sit yo +%# down!" ain't never hurt a soul.
That doesn't work for me. Sometimes things that are said to the point where it gets past that, and there's nothing left to do but fight.
Originally Posted by majik214

I agree. Women are out of hand sometimes!
My girl is crossing over into that territory of where she thinks its cool to yell at me like a child.....in public
. I have never hit her but lets just say I ALWAYS handle it when we get back to thehouse.

-The Juice
When a man is getting angry and tries to leave and the woman blocks the door, she is setting herself up for primal rage. If a woman is trying to get away and adude chases her and lays hands, he is a *%%#$.
DearWinter219 wrote:
See brandon!

Man on the G that be that @+@* that I'm talking about. I bet if your right hand woulda touched that left temple and made that right temple touch that window, you would have been Swayze. And if it happens at home and she wants to fight, all you do is keep muffing her and
at her till she cries and quits
. The punches won't hurt you as bad as your
at her
face hurts her. And your muffing her says, "Aye @*+*%, these coulda been punches landing...think about that."

That's just it...

Its like some of these females be asking for it. Like I don't feel the need to argue ever with a male or female. I believe things can be talked out (unlessof course it is sports related). But this what I do, I talk then when the females starts to scream and not let me talk I fall back. I let her go on ramblingher lil head off about nothing talking in circles. I sit their quiet and either
. And for some reason that really pushes their button. Idon't get it they say they would rather me argue back then laugh or grin.

Its a loose loose situation whenever I get into it with a girl because I don't argue and when it get to the point I zone them out or just laugh at them.But when they get to swing the most I can see myself doing now is probably just grab them up and shake them, then tell them to G-TF on!
ya'll mixin' it up a bit though:

Women are (obviously) equal in intelligence, they have the same capacity for learning as men

Women are also (obviously) less than equal physically, they are much smaller and weaker than men.

So just because you can wail on some dude doesn't mean you should smack around women, they can't take as much of a beating, they are more likely to gethurt.

Just because society teaches us principles doesn't mean they're bad.... should we question them? sure. Ignore them? probably not.
Man... on some real life/ my life stuff...

When a man is getting angry and tries to leave and the woman blocks the door, she is setting herself up for primal rage.

She never lets me leave man. She just don't get it. I've been so close to that line solely because she won't....let...me....walk...AWAY!
i basicly got into a fist fight with my girl once.

it was a bad situation...
she was heated, but wanted me to drive her home
she was acting all crazy, then out of nowhere started punching me in the face. mind you i was dricing. so i pull over liek calm down i want to get there safelyi don't need to crash into something...

so i keep driving and she accidently puts the car into reverse, i hit the curb and I'm liek damnit...
i end up punching her twice in the face, one hit on/above her nose and she starts bleeding everywhere spitting blood at me/ the car.

i was able to drive her home safely after that....

still kind of regret it to this day. and me n her have talked about it and come to an understanding that she shud have just gotten out the car and it was bothour faults. WE escalated the situation. not just me or her alone.
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