Have you ever seen a chick sexier than this?

Originally Posted by grittyman20

That whale is disgusting...

Let me show you my wife and the definition of perfection

Originally Posted by LDJ

IM A HELION wrote:

LDJ wrote:

Hazeleyed Honey wrote:


Are some of you here making fun of people who suffer from anorexia? It is an eating disorder, but also a detrimental psychological and physiological disease that eats away the human spirit to the core brinking them closer to the brink of death. It is nothing to make fun of. Do you also make fun of cancer patients or people who suffer from other diseases?

Save that dr phil right wing bs. Dont mix me with that bs. Its funny only a certain group of ppl have this disease and only certain areas of the world hsve it.Its sad we have countries legions of ppl who are physically this way because corrupted govts lack of food etc, then there is other places ppl with abundances of food money resources, but have some mental hangup etc and choose not to eat then ppl wanna call that $#*t a disease.

Bet you wont see know 3rd world country ppl talking bout they bulimic, or lactose intolerant etc...
I sorta agree with some of what you said...but since when is being lactose intolerant voluntary? Do you even know what it means?

It's not like I choose not to drink milk or anything. I eat cereal and milk every other day and I have to pay for it in ways I won't describe. People can choose not to eat, but they can't choose how their body handles lactose, fam.

Im just saying its funny why aint ppl from ghana suffer from lactose intolerence, or inpoverish struken ppl in asia. Hell i bet you drop off a crate of food, dairy products included in haiti right now i bet aint nair n*%%a gonna say "Ill be gotdamn if i eat this ham sammich, s#*t got cheese, and a n*%%a like me donts f*$k wit the cheese, real talk" Now where is my mudclay sammich on rye..

You're an idiot...

Lactose intolerance is the body's INABILITY to break down the lactose enzyme found within dairy products. Its basically in the same category as other foodallergies.
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