Have You/Would You 'Talk' to Somebody with a Child?

Originally Posted by TheHavik

I talk to women with kids all the time.
Im going through this older woman phase so it aint no thang for me.
My last chick had a 10 yr old.
Was taking that lil turd with me to the barbershop and everything

Im 20 with a kid literally half my age following me around.
How that look?!

He was the oldest kid out of all my relationships with older chicks, so he knew what i was on.
Buddy knew i was just there to sex his mama up something nasty.

All in all i think my last 4 flings were with women that had children.
I dont think i would ever pursue an actual relationship with somebody with kids though.
Im too young and handsome to be tied down with kids, let alone with kids that aint mine.
That is ******ed and disgusting.
You really think that baby knewwhat you were on? lol If he did, that says a lot! His mama sounds like a winner.
This 1 chick was really tryin 2 have me on some baby daddy type status, always "not finding a babysitter" and bringing the kid along randomly. I cuther off with the quickness, shorty was only 20 with a 2 yr old
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by kix4kix

20 black male not in jail or with a kid and in college is a miracle now adays
I'm Amazing

yeah, i would talk to a girl with a kid. give lil man a bomb pop and some yu gi oh cards, i think that's what the kids are playing with today, and you'll be straight...

if it's an older kid, you may have to sneak off one day when his mom aint looking and punch him in the chest, just to show dominance.
one of the only times i lol'd
It really comes down to two things. You and how you feel about that person. I mean either you like/stand kids or you dont, your going to have to be around themeventually if you get into a relationship like that.

If you can deal with that then really what should matter is the person you plan on seeing more then anything.

I been around a few girls that had kids. Only one time did I have there kid with us, was a cute little baby girl, she was quiet and fell asleep pretty early onso wasnt much of a problem.

My Ex who lived at home had her little nephew around all the time not quite the same situation. Anyway we always had Jay around with us, I had a really strongbond with her whole family.

<<<<<<Pic of little man
You obviously ain't finding the right dudes

And no I wouldn't talk to somebody with a child....

and I met a girl tonight with a kid at the club
a shame.... she wasbeautiful.
i have one, i would not intentionally look for a girl with a kid. but if i met one and she was cool then it's fine.
it depends if the person really takes care of her child...i talked to a chick with a 3 year old girl. and she doesnt involve me at all. unless i wanna be.
she good by her lonely...
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Originally Posted by TheHavik

I talk to women with kids all the time.
Im going through this older woman phase so it aint no thang for me.
My last chick had a 10 yr old.
Was taking that lil turd with me to the barbershop and everything

Im 20 with a kid literally half my age following me around.
How that look?!

He was the oldest kid out of all my relationships with older chicks, so he knew what i was on.
Buddy knew i was just there to sex his mama up something nasty.

All in all i think my last 4 flings were with women that had children.
I dont think i would ever pursue an actual relationship with somebody with kids though.
Im too young and handsome to be tied down with kids, let alone with kids that aint mine.
That is ******ed and disgusting.
You really think that baby knew what you were on? lol If he did, that says a lot! His mama sounds like a winner.
A winner indeed.
I stopped messing with her because she got mad because i wouldnt buy groceries FOR HER CRIB.
How you 34 and asking me to buy you groceries?

The kid might not have KNOWN, but he knew.
He made honor roll with straight A's so I wouldnt put it pass him.
She used to have him hit me up for cash, too.

I dont think i'd ever talk to another female with kids that age.
It makes it really really awkward when its time to stop messing around.
Like, i kinda feel bad for lil dude.

I got a huge soft spot for kids.

So i guess to answer your question OP, dont go.
You aint looking hard enough if you only seeing dudes with kids.
Guys with kids probably come at you harder cuz obviously they got plenty of practice approaching pretty ladies.
Keep a sharp eye out for that one fairly quiet guy thats hitting you with subliminals.
I am 29, with a 5 year old son, from my first marriage. Anyone with kids shouldn't have you involved with the kid/kids anyway until the relationshipbecomes serious. You have no idea how hard it is when a child becomes attached to someone, and then just because momma/daddy broke up with them, the child nolonger sees them. Also, is the child from a previous marriage, one night stand, LTR, etc. How do they treat their child? Good parent, or out partying anddrinking? Also, do you want to be out partying/drinking, or at home? All relevant questions to whether you want to date them. There are TONS of great peopleout there with kids, unfortunately many more out there that arent
I don't know if I would do it again. I talked to a chick that was 20 with a 4 year old. She didn't try to turn me into a family man and have me spendtime with her daughter at all though

But it did get quite annoying with the consistent 3am knock on the bedroom door when I would stay over:
"I can't sleep"
"...well u def won't in here"

I don't know though, like I said she wasn't pushing for me to fill that fatherly void, he didn't bother with her at all...or either I didn'tstay around long enough for her to start. It was homegirl herself who was ****oo for coa coa puffs. I pumped the breaks when her hands did some wandering andslid my condom off...
Bad Idea

I know you wanna be with the person, not the kid but theres too many factors in the situation.
You have to worry about the kid peepin in when you're smashin, not havin anybody to watch the kid when you wanna go out, the kid gettin in the way... etcetc.

Alot of people (with kids) would say it has nothing to do with the kid and its all about how mature you are about it, but in the long run... you'restepping in and that child is gonna look up to you as a father/mother figure.
YO! I wouldn't call it a good or bad idea... It is what it is. At my age, EVERYBODY seems to have kids. I basically gotta deal with it or scoop a freshcollege grad (
). BUT I wouldn't allow 1 child to keep me from being with the person who is best for me. DF!!!
sorry but nah I wouldnt, girls have enough drama already...addinh a kid is like tacking on a few years to a murder sentence for a unpaid parking ticket

to add a little more...my buddy's girl has a kid and they rarely ever do anything b/c she would need a babysitter and stuff, specially feel for him on theweekends we go back to PSU for football games and tailgates
i'm going to be an official step mom come Feb so... yeah.
It's tough but it is what it is. We're closer to 30 than anything, it happens as youget older. I will say he is the first person I met in a long time who has a *planned* kid though

If I was younger? nah. And it's different with guys w kids, as the mothers are the usual caretakers so it's not like the anklebiter is around 24/7.Well she's almost 6 not so much an anklebiter anymore haha My BFF is a single (well, not married - shes been dating dude for 4 yrs now) mom with an almost9 yr old
but she never had problems w relationships. To alot of people, kids arent deal breakers.
i talked to a chick that had a kid...i didnt even see her son that often.....so it was like the kid didnt exist to me so it was a cool situtation
I ###% with a girl who got a son but thats only for two reasons...

1. I been messing with her since we were like in the 7th Grade so I couldn't just stop.
2. She got a mouth like the boy Ken Griffey
No %%%$
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