Hawaii Bowl - Notre Dame vs Hawaii - 8 ET ESPN Christmas Eve

I'll be at the game watching my two favorite teams.

The last two times ND has come to Hawaii they barely escaped. I can't see them leaving with a win, Hawaii is really strong at home, especially in theHawaii bowl and most visiting teams do treat the game like a vacation.

I was at the last matchup when Ron Powlus led a game-winning drive in the final minutes. People are still bitter about that loss here. I think Hawaii avengesthat one today.
Charlie with 2 absolutely pathetic play calls on first and second down in that sequence...

But that's a HELL of a throw by Jimmy...
at that throw! 5 TDs and 402 yards passing.

I dont care who they are playing those stats are nuts for Clausen
Originally Posted by babam11218719

Originally Posted by The Wizard

wow since when did ND get names on the back of their jerseys????
That is what I want to know. Have they ever worn names on their jerseys?
Not in the past 20 yrs, no.
Really tho..

the one thing I wanted to see tonight still hasn't happened --- the OLine driving off the ball.

Until that changes, nothing will.

Jimmy and the skill guys have no problem airing it out against lesser opponents when they get in a groove.
Having to endure mediocre teams for the next 2 weeks a a joke...bring on OU - Florida already.
This is the same team that almost beat Cincy? I swear to God if we lose to Cincy I will lose it.
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