HBD to my little man. 3 years old !

Mar 8, 2010
So today is my sons 3rd birthday ! Man time sure does fly by. It feels like yesterday when he was born. (Weighing in at 10lbs 14oz 23 inches long)  Honestly I didn't think I was ready to have a kid. I was having too much fun. The whole party scene and not giving a damn. As soon as he was born my life change in the blink of an eye. I think every NTer who has kids right now can agree. It's the BEST feeling in the world. My son is my WHOLE life. I really can't believe its been 3 years. By far its been the best 3 years in my life and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB. 

Untitled by J_Perdomo, on Flickr
LMAO. Kids are funny looking.

HBD Jacob. I'm glad you're having a blast being a father.
Originally Posted by Bean Pie Slanga

LMAO. Kids are funny looking.

HBD Jacob. I'm glad you're having a blast being a father.
Yeah never thought it would be fun but it actually it is. 
Ah hopefully one day I will know that feel bro. 
HBD to your son. 

Hopefully the wifey and I will have a lil rugrat ourselves in the near future 
I pray to the skies above that I have a son one day.

HBD to the little man
Originally Posted by FuzzyRobot

You've got a sharp lookin kid there!
Happy birthday to the little man.
kid won't have no problem with the girls if he stays dressing like that
HBD to your little man
Great, I gotta say HBD here too?!

JP. HBD once again, hope he has a memorable 3rd, post pics on IG when you have the chance fam (no pedo)!
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